Friday, 17 February 2012

Robert Green

It may not be obviouse you all out there, however there IS a 'MAN' and I use that term in its proper context who has just recently been sentenced to 1 year in prison.

What had he done wrong?

He (still) IS a thorn in the side of the PTB especially in Scotland, not so much in England, YET!, there are those English within the borders of England who will be rubbing their hands with glee that Robert has been put away.
However it is only one year - and his QUEST will continue regardless, those rubbing their hands are the very paedophiles that are sniffing little girls and boys bottoms when no one is looking. Believe me some of these individuals are 'HIGH PROFILE' and ARE in parliament in Scotland and has been intimated England as well. We know who they are and the names will appear in this blog in good time. Just as Ted Heath has been outed as a paedophile - confronted and accused but the nasty piece of work he is / was, upped and died before he was scheduled to have his rectum widened by the prison bed posts.

Robert has been the leading campaigner in support of justice for Hollie Greig (click the link to find out more)
As you can imagine, with Robert gunning for the paedophiles in this country and those at the highest levels of society, he has attracted rather a lot of flack. The MEDIA - the very same ones that refused to cover such as SIR Jimmy have refused to cover Hollies case. They say there is not enough evidence.
Yer! like there was enough evidence of WMD in Iraq - What was their excuse? We took the word of the SECRET SERVICES and INTELEGENCE reports. Well I can assure you that the EVIDENCE for the case of Holie is FAR and away more REAL and presentable than the WMD in Iraq.

Ah, but no he wasn't put behind bars for this NO, NO , NO. He was put behind bars on a trumped up charge of a BREACH of the PEACE. The PTB had over 60 witnesses, yes, yes they did, but it took them a couple of years to get them - probably prime them and get their statements - YET not many of them bothered to turn up to the trial - Oh and OH! some of them are implicated in the Paedophile case.
That's interesting! I am going to assume that ALL the witnesses are involved in some-way because they never took the stand when requested to state otherwise. Some did and some LIED but the rest of them are, in my mind, and that of thousands of others for all HISTORY to know 'GUILTY by omission'.
I am not a judge, so I cannot actually pass sentence so don't take my word for it (Yes DO!).

This case, or both cases, are of international interest. I refer to those following the case and they are watching everything that is going on and yes you have it correct there are those not within our country who may just be as guilty of this horrendous crime (Paedophilia) those involved don't need to follow it they are busy running away. To those I say, the DARK ones are following and that little voice in their head will NEVER let them forget what they have done EVER.

By IMPLICATION 'Her MAJESTY the Queen' is accused, I do not say this lightly, those that REPRESENT the CROWN have colluded to 'QUIET' Robert and it IS, after all, in HER NAME.
IS she involved? With a cover up this BIG one HAS to wonder. But then again Her Majesty might just intercede, if she doesn't, and she is in FULL possession of the FACTS - YES she has been contacted but the paedophiles in her employ may have HIDDEN the truth from her, NEVER the less if she is not aware of it by now and does nothing to right this wrong or give a FULL explanation and the FACTS in a proper 'UNTAINTED and uncorrupted (don't hold your breath) Appeal. I for one say she IS implicated and through OUR LAWS of this LAND is as GUILTY of the crime as the ones who are keeping it from her.
GOD cannot save our Queen, GOD abandoned her when she became a European Citizen, a lowly pleb like the rest of us (1974) Lisbon Treaty (TREASON to the peoples of this LAND).

Anne Greig, in a recent statement has made it clear that the case against those involved in the Hollie RAPES will continue and, NOW, will take on a new level - STRONGER and more EXTENSIVE.

The world is waking up and this case is one of hundred of thousands that will be brought before the people of this planet and one day we will be rid of this filth forever - I am a peaceful man so I will give the CHOICE to those involved hand yourselves in NOW and take whatever it is that is inevitably coming or wait till you are discovered, by which time I can only state 'May God have mercy on your souls'.
We don't hang anyone any more but just for those who wish to know the wording of the penalty, here it is
"(full name of prisoner) you will be taken hence to the prison in which you were last confined and from there to a place of execution where you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead and thereafter your body buried within the precincts of the prison and may the Lord have mercy upon your soul".
I am one of thousands who have written the queen and withdrawn my consent to be governed by her until redress is given to the sovereign people of this land. Upon which I will once again agree to rejoin and do my duty for the good of the people and the monarchy.

Robert, you my friend are going down in HISTORY as a GOOD man, because you stood up to these murdering pigs, corruption and did not eat of the swill these people consume on an hourly basis.

Namaste Robert Namaste, Rev;

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