Monday, 20 February 2012

Guess what!

Well I was brought up in the 50's, my grandparents used to have, what they used to call a larder.
For those that are too young, a larder is a cold storage cupboard with a SLAB of stone as a bottom shelf, where one placed veggies, milk and cheese. There was no real need for a fridge because this space was cold enough to keep stuff fresh for a while, besides the milk and other stuff could (was) delivered to the door.

I adopted this practice and because I live in an old house I have the facility. However because of my upbringing I AM A TERRORIST, because I keep more than a weeks worth of food in the house. Go figure.
I used to frequent a pub in town that some readers will be familiar with (BURNS TAVERN) knows well, while certain persons I know were tucked up in bed -  :-) Yer right, I was getting merry and rodgering (and a right rodgering it was :-)) the bar maid, in those days we discussed what the government were up to, This again was typical, but now if I do the same I AM A TERRORIST.

I travel around a bit to places like London - not so much now - however I like to take pics of the places I have been and the people in the locaal, if I do this now I can be stopped and the pics deleted from my camera I AM A TERRORIST, for taking snaps.

I have spent a few years globe trotting and when I get to where I am I like to get a few gadgets or trinkets - I paid CASH for these things, but now because I carry more that the allowance I AM A TERRORIST.

More to the point I AM A TERRORIST because I do not see that that Islam are a danger to me or my family, granted they are a danger to the PTB that bomb the SHIT out of their families in a country so far away I cannot even contemplate, they allow TERRORISTS into this country knowing the background of these individuals but I nor anyone of the inhabitants, least of all the passengers on the modes of transport they use are told this. AND I AM A TERRORIST because I am neither informed nor kept in the picture due to it not being in the interests of the security of this country.

I can be walking down the street in any manner I wish however, at any moment, and for some nefarious reason I could be stopped and searched. WELL I AM A TERRORIST.

Mmmm, now do you think they are trying to tell me something?

I will have to have a long hard look and see what it is they are intimating.

Namaste, rev;

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