Saturday, 18 February 2012

One for the politicians

Now we have some good politicians, YES I know an 'oxymoron', but there are a few. They got in to make changes for the better because they know what is broken. Nigel is one of them and we hear him regularly.
He is a bit of a lone voice, out on a limb but I can assure you he has a following he has, from what I have seen, been saying what I have been thinking and he is directing it at the scum in EU and at the cowards in our own parliament.

Just a REMINDER - politicians are not really important, they are mouthpieces for the masses and hold NO opinions of their own that - or that is how it should be. It is not an enviable task and it does not take nor does it require a great deal of intelligence, as is evidenced by the majority of the members.

Each party, consisting of members, HAS a mandate and it is this 'mandate' that gets them elected. Step away from this mandate and they are no longer representative of the people they become our 'ENEMY'.

The current 'MANDATE' of this current government 'coalition' IS the mandate of an unelected and treasonous EU dictatorship. SAY what you will about this but it does not explain away that we ARE being lead by the EU DIKTAT. SCUM, though, is more like the correct terminology.

WE the people would rather be partners with the European 'PEOPLE' NOT! the European politicians. 
The underbelly of the EU contains the dregs of the European society and they CANNOT, even if they tried, remove themselves from the rectum of those that tell them what to do. AND it isn't the 'PEOPLE' of Europe who are calling the shots, there is another entity. I venture it is the same entity that controls 'Call me Dave' Cameron and the same ones who have been slowly taking over the whole show.

Whoever this entity is or whatever it is, has a hold on the leaders of the world and I suspect it is kiddie fiddler related - 'Do what we say or we will tell the world about your activities!'. It may be drugs, could be murder or it could be homosexual but these leaders have something held over their heads that they do not want us to know and as such have put our nations into grave danger.

Now I have nothing against homosexuals, indeed I am sure I know a few, I have known a paedophile, not that I knew at the time but I know enough now to know that they are liers and two-faced, well they have to be it is part of the make-up.

The whole structure was set up years ago, while these leaders were in public school, Okay they had a bit of bum while they were there, so what! however it is the WEAK ones that concern me, the ones that have no capacity to accept and move on, the ones that are vulnerable to blackmail, the 'WEAK'.
It is the weak that get singled out to become the leaders because they have been promised protection and this protection comes at a mortal cost, but they did not know it at the time. Because of the structure and the deceit this type of individual becomes bitter and twisted and eventually - inevitably - start to play another game altogether - kiddie fiddling. They are RIPE for the position of dictator, they have no conscience and are psychopaths.

Weak limp-dicked perverts who are too afraid to say NO! to the ones that control them. Is this the type of person we want in a position of power. I need say no more.

But I will, there are lots that have got themselves into this position and there have been lots in the past who were in the same position - THAT protection they sought, as it turns out, is not what they thought, protection inevitably turns out to be ASSASSINATION - History shows this to be true. Follow these rules and we will protect you, however there is the small print, we cannot let you get too old and start to get a conscience so before that happens, and we will pick the time, you will die of a heart attack or organ failure but you will die before you tell the world your story. This is what these politicians are NOT told, but they are given the fiat and the lifestyle to compensate for the final part of their lives being taken from them.
Their families are also put at risk - TPTB are not interested in whether the politicians will or won't do something, they KNOW they will, because they live under threat and they have put their very children at risk - for a few pieces of paper that say 'PROMISE TO PAY' on them. What sort of parent would do that ? SCUM!
Not only that they send their boys to the very same schools to do the same thing - Sick isn't it.
Well that is the type we elect to govern us.

Am I 100% correct? No! but I am not FAR OFF the mark.

Namaste, rev;

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