Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Freeman Guide

Here are a few things one SHOULD know. If you know them all well and good, READ them againand test yourself to see how much you have retained.

A Short Guide to the Law
All Statutory Legislation is based on Contracts and are also referred to as ‘Acts’. You might be interested to note the definition of an Act according to Black’s Law Dictionary:
'act in the law' “ An Act that is intended to create, transfer, or extinguish a right and that is effective in law for that purpose; the exercise of a legal power. ”
'act of the law' “ The creation, extinction, or transfer of a right by the operation of the law itself, without any consent on the part of the persons involved. ”

• A Statute is a Legislative Act of a Society
• Formal written agreement which governs a Country, State etc. Which has the ‘Force of Law’ or Colour of Law
• Almost always comes with a monetary ‘Charge’
• These Laws are on Man and restrict freedoms

That which is legal:- under 'Statutes / Legislation'
• Commercial Law
• Admiralty Maritime Law
• Law of Trade
• Law of The Sea
• Victimless Crime
Common Law
Common Law can be very easily understood by the tenet ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. In basic terms: The Rights of one Man end where another’s begins. Common law includes crimes such as bodily harm, theft, assault, cause of loss or injury and murder. This is why you see murder referred to as ‘Un-Lawful Killing’ and not ‘Illegal Killing’.
• The unwritten Law of the Common man.
• Comes directly from higher self/conscience/intuition.
• Religious codes of conduct i.e. The Ten Commandments.
• Summed up as ‘Harm None’
• These Laws are for Man and protect

That which is Lawful:- Under Common Law
• Law of the Land
• Almost universal Worldwide
• Protects those whose Rights have been infringed upon.
• Murder, Theft etc.
• Crime with a Victim

Brief explanation of CONTRACTS. GET THIS BASIC stuff down PAT.

A contract is an agreement between two or more parties creating obligations which are enforceable or recognizable at Law. A Contract has four requirements for it to be considered Lawful:
1. Full Disclosure - Meaning that both parties must be fully open in setting and agreeing upon the details and the terms of the contract. Both parties must be left with no doubt or confusion about the terms set out in the contract.
2. Consideration – Can be ‘that which is offered’ in the agreement. Allows the parties’ time to consider if they stand to lose or gain from the contract.
3. Terms & Conditions – Outline the structure and the requirements of the agreement and obligations of each or all of the involved parties.
4. Signature - This is the most important part of the Contract and is the proof that the agreement took place. It also implies ‘consensus ad idem’ or a ‘meeting of the minds’. Your Signature is very powerful and you should always pay caution to what you are signing.

Here are SOME of Your Rights...
 You are :
 Born Equal and Free (Paramount is: Equality Before the Law)
 Have the Right to Life, Freedom and Security
 Have the Right to Trial by Jury of Peers
 Have the Right to Bodily Integrity
 Have the Right to Travel Freely
 Have the Right to Freedom of Expression
 Have the Right to Freedom of Assembly
 Have the Right to Freedom of Association
 Have the Right to Religious Liberty
 Have the Rights of the Family
 Have the Right to Inviolability of your Dwelling or Home
 Have the Right to Privacy

Namaste, rev;

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