Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Freeman Guide

Here are a few things one SHOULD know. If you know them all well and good, READ them againand test yourself to see how much you have retained.

A Short Guide to the Law
All Statutory Legislation is based on Contracts and are also referred to as ‘Acts’. You might be interested to note the definition of an Act according to Black’s Law Dictionary:
'act in the law' “ An Act that is intended to create, transfer, or extinguish a right and that is effective in law for that purpose; the exercise of a legal power. ”
'act of the law' “ The creation, extinction, or transfer of a right by the operation of the law itself, without any consent on the part of the persons involved. ”

• A Statute is a Legislative Act of a Society
• Formal written agreement which governs a Country, State etc. Which has the ‘Force of Law’ or Colour of Law
• Almost always comes with a monetary ‘Charge’
• These Laws are on Man and restrict freedoms

That which is legal:- under 'Statutes / Legislation'
• Commercial Law
• Admiralty Maritime Law
• Law of Trade
• Law of The Sea
• Victimless Crime
Common Law
Common Law can be very easily understood by the tenet ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. In basic terms: The Rights of one Man end where another’s begins. Common law includes crimes such as bodily harm, theft, assault, cause of loss or injury and murder. This is why you see murder referred to as ‘Un-Lawful Killing’ and not ‘Illegal Killing’.
• The unwritten Law of the Common man.
• Comes directly from higher self/conscience/intuition.
• Religious codes of conduct i.e. The Ten Commandments.
• Summed up as ‘Harm None’
• These Laws are for Man and protect

That which is Lawful:- Under Common Law
• Law of the Land
• Almost universal Worldwide
• Protects those whose Rights have been infringed upon.
• Murder, Theft etc.
• Crime with a Victim

Brief explanation of CONTRACTS. GET THIS BASIC stuff down PAT.

A contract is an agreement between two or more parties creating obligations which are enforceable or recognizable at Law. A Contract has four requirements for it to be considered Lawful:
1. Full Disclosure - Meaning that both parties must be fully open in setting and agreeing upon the details and the terms of the contract. Both parties must be left with no doubt or confusion about the terms set out in the contract.
2. Consideration – Can be ‘that which is offered’ in the agreement. Allows the parties’ time to consider if they stand to lose or gain from the contract.
3. Terms & Conditions – Outline the structure and the requirements of the agreement and obligations of each or all of the involved parties.
4. Signature - This is the most important part of the Contract and is the proof that the agreement took place. It also implies ‘consensus ad idem’ or a ‘meeting of the minds’. Your Signature is very powerful and you should always pay caution to what you are signing.

Here are SOME of Your Rights...
 You are :
 Born Equal and Free (Paramount is: Equality Before the Law)
 Have the Right to Life, Freedom and Security
 Have the Right to Trial by Jury of Peers
 Have the Right to Bodily Integrity
 Have the Right to Travel Freely
 Have the Right to Freedom of Expression
 Have the Right to Freedom of Assembly
 Have the Right to Freedom of Association
 Have the Right to Religious Liberty
 Have the Rights of the Family
 Have the Right to Inviolability of your Dwelling or Home
 Have the Right to Privacy

Namaste, rev;

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Where are we arriving?

I speak with many people on a daily basis, I am not the expert they expect however I have a knowledge that is, by far, better than most I speak with.
Of all the things I talk about there is a common question and one I find hard to answer.

If this is the way things are why don't they do something about it.

Inwardly I scream, my mind races but the answer is so obvious it cannot be verbalised.
Who? are THEY? I am asked and WHY would they do the things being spoken of if it affects their families?

The THEY, I talk about, are our government and the ones that instruct them. The latter are unelected, unseen (mostly) and beyond all laws that we know.

It cannot be argued that there is a power in the world that is orchestrating things, there are too many coincidences for this not to be true. The police for one, they are, world wide acting and behaving in a manner that is more than common. The equipment, the clothes, the attitude towards their own, in their own country.
The Military don't even bother to hide it any more they are English, German, italian, American and a few others who are fighting for a cause that is being heavily questioned the world over but this does not seem to matter.

The press are aligned, although they do publish some actual truth, this is to put one off for the next piece that is false, inaccurate or just plain lying. The Weapons of Mass Destruction that Iraq had, the tyrannical leader in Libya the now 'terrorist hiding' Iran and their nuclear potential. All this stuff has been laid out before and WE swallowed it, SO they think 'it worked last time let's do it again.'
Do you really believe that Iran is going to be the LAST country that the WEST is going to gang up on and possibly invade? Where does this end.

There is a monument in Georgia,USA and one of the requirements chiselled in stone is to maintain a WORLD population of 500,000,000 the story behind this is intriguing to say the least, so go and check it out.

What is being rolled out before our eyes is this very instruction.
Take a look at the conflicts that are around the globe and then tell me if they are ALL legitimate?
Piece by piece the populations of these countries are being massacred, The DEAD are being disposed of by those that are left. Then the next round and the next. the population of this planet is NOT growing as we are told it is shrinking. DO some research and you will find I am correct.
Those that are left are being hammered into a corner with green taxes - austerity - bailing out failing companies (Banks) while those in power are giving themselves a big pat on the back.

See, they ARE doing something about it. WHY can't you see what I see?
I work hard and I need some rest but I cannot rest until we on this planet wake up to what is going on.
I could write for hours and point out all that is obvious and some that isn't but it would do no good. You have to see it for yourselves, or you will perish like those that have been murdered in foreign counties and there is SOD ALL they can do about it, because the POWERS THAT BE have ALL their ducks in a row. NATO, Council on Foreign Relations, Common Purpose, United Nations, The NWO.

ALL of which I might ADD are stocked with 'WE THE PEOPLE' yes us it is WE that are doing this to ourselves, we are the numbers and it is we that are doing the murdering. All we need do is STOP and question, and NOT do unto others what we certainly do not want doing to us.

Why are they doing it knowing it will affect their families? Well they do it for the good of the planet a few collateral damages along the way will be, for them, worth it in the end. They can replace what they lost by just rutting again. What they will not have to put up with is US the plebs, by this time we will all be composting their new reserves.
On the other hand, is over population on this planet possible?
NO! not now and not in the future, the real problem is manufactured, literally. Just as the baby boom was manufactured and just as the single mom syndrome is manufactured. The demonisation of MEN the reason for pride and the constant conflict we have on this planet. It is all manufactured and it is all going according to the PTB plan.

What we do not have and have not had for hundreds of years is control over ourselves as individuals and we have not had the opportunity to live a life without some ASS (King or Queen or leader) who has decided on our behalf that we should KILL the other side. What we can achieve without this interference is and will be far superior than we have now, however never having had it we do not know what form it will take, it is / will be, completely new to us and it will take some time to get used to. Be certain about one thing, WE can never go back, so stop asking 'What do we do go back to the dark ages?' Especially when you know nothing regarding what the dark ages are and how they came about. NO! We are going to have to progress into the future and we are going to have to look after one another. After ALL these millions of years we ARE Brothers and Sisters we are NOT enemies.

The time is coming when we are ALL going to have to make a decision, right now I am NOT hopeful and the reason for this despair is because the majority I share this planet with are TOTALLY uninformed. So for me to trust them to make the right decision RIGHT NOW, is hopeless.

Switch off that Income Reducer' TV and start doing some research.
Cancer - IS CURABLE.
Cannabis - IS a medicinal plant as well as a biofuel and a source for clothing and many, many other things.
Tobacco - Specifically Nicotine is a HEALTH product. NOT a danger to health.
L-Arginine is a miracle supplement.
OIL is no longer required in the volumes it is being consumed and IT IS renewable.
The LAW as it stands is an ASS
There IS a difference between Legal and Lawful.
Food on this PLANET is in abundance - 10 times more than all we require at today's population.
Money is NOT required, it never was and still isn't.

I could go on, but you pick what it is you are interested in and do the research, however be careful of the resources you (trough) you feed from. Once you start looking down this rabbit hole you will be sucked in, It is, in the end worth it but it MUST be done.

Use your god given facilities and stop using the state controlled facilities for your knowledge, they are after EVERYTHING you own and lest face it none of it is worth a red cent, it's just junk.

Namaste, rev;

Monday, 20 February 2012

Guess what!

Well I was brought up in the 50's, my grandparents used to have, what they used to call a larder.
For those that are too young, a larder is a cold storage cupboard with a SLAB of stone as a bottom shelf, where one placed veggies, milk and cheese. There was no real need for a fridge because this space was cold enough to keep stuff fresh for a while, besides the milk and other stuff could (was) delivered to the door.

I adopted this practice and because I live in an old house I have the facility. However because of my upbringing I AM A TERRORIST, because I keep more than a weeks worth of food in the house. Go figure.
I used to frequent a pub in town that some readers will be familiar with (BURNS TAVERN) knows well, while certain persons I know were tucked up in bed -  :-) Yer right, I was getting merry and rodgering (and a right rodgering it was :-)) the bar maid, in those days we discussed what the government were up to, This again was typical, but now if I do the same I AM A TERRORIST.

I travel around a bit to places like London - not so much now - however I like to take pics of the places I have been and the people in the locaal, if I do this now I can be stopped and the pics deleted from my camera I AM A TERRORIST, for taking snaps.

I have spent a few years globe trotting and when I get to where I am I like to get a few gadgets or trinkets - I paid CASH for these things, but now because I carry more that the allowance I AM A TERRORIST.

More to the point I AM A TERRORIST because I do not see that that Islam are a danger to me or my family, granted they are a danger to the PTB that bomb the SHIT out of their families in a country so far away I cannot even contemplate, they allow TERRORISTS into this country knowing the background of these individuals but I nor anyone of the inhabitants, least of all the passengers on the modes of transport they use are told this. AND I AM A TERRORIST because I am neither informed nor kept in the picture due to it not being in the interests of the security of this country.

I can be walking down the street in any manner I wish however, at any moment, and for some nefarious reason I could be stopped and searched. WELL I AM A TERRORIST.

Mmmm, now do you think they are trying to tell me something?

I will have to have a long hard look and see what it is they are intimating.

Namaste, rev;

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Disturbing TREND

For some time now, and we have all noticed it but I am not sure if this is verbalised well enough.
So I will jot it down in short form and let you mull it over.

We have the internet, we have, for some time, ignored the MSM for the more accurate and not so tainted alternative media. This media comes largely from the people but mostly from the legitimate and unfettered journalists.

However, and I would like to point out that the POLICE the world over have become a ONE FORCE. They seem to be ALL acting in EXACTLY the same way. How can this be. Is there a central command that is at the root of this and HOW can the police in Manchester, or London be acting in EXACTLY the same way and in the same manner as those in Greece, Washington or Libya?

They have a COMMON PURPOSE do you not think?

Just an observation, what do you think?

Namaste, rev;

Saturday, 18 February 2012

One for the politicians

Now we have some good politicians, YES I know an 'oxymoron', but there are a few. They got in to make changes for the better because they know what is broken. Nigel is one of them and we hear him regularly.
He is a bit of a lone voice, out on a limb but I can assure you he has a following he has, from what I have seen, been saying what I have been thinking and he is directing it at the scum in EU and at the cowards in our own parliament.

Just a REMINDER - politicians are not really important, they are mouthpieces for the masses and hold NO opinions of their own that - or that is how it should be. It is not an enviable task and it does not take nor does it require a great deal of intelligence, as is evidenced by the majority of the members.

Each party, consisting of members, HAS a mandate and it is this 'mandate' that gets them elected. Step away from this mandate and they are no longer representative of the people they become our 'ENEMY'.

The current 'MANDATE' of this current government 'coalition' IS the mandate of an unelected and treasonous EU dictatorship. SAY what you will about this but it does not explain away that we ARE being lead by the EU DIKTAT. SCUM, though, is more like the correct terminology.

WE the people would rather be partners with the European 'PEOPLE' NOT! the European politicians. 
The underbelly of the EU contains the dregs of the European society and they CANNOT, even if they tried, remove themselves from the rectum of those that tell them what to do. AND it isn't the 'PEOPLE' of Europe who are calling the shots, there is another entity. I venture it is the same entity that controls 'Call me Dave' Cameron and the same ones who have been slowly taking over the whole show.

Whoever this entity is or whatever it is, has a hold on the leaders of the world and I suspect it is kiddie fiddler related - 'Do what we say or we will tell the world about your activities!'. It may be drugs, could be murder or it could be homosexual but these leaders have something held over their heads that they do not want us to know and as such have put our nations into grave danger.

Now I have nothing against homosexuals, indeed I am sure I know a few, I have known a paedophile, not that I knew at the time but I know enough now to know that they are liers and two-faced, well they have to be it is part of the make-up.

The whole structure was set up years ago, while these leaders were in public school, Okay they had a bit of bum while they were there, so what! however it is the WEAK ones that concern me, the ones that have no capacity to accept and move on, the ones that are vulnerable to blackmail, the 'WEAK'.
It is the weak that get singled out to become the leaders because they have been promised protection and this protection comes at a mortal cost, but they did not know it at the time. Because of the structure and the deceit this type of individual becomes bitter and twisted and eventually - inevitably - start to play another game altogether - kiddie fiddling. They are RIPE for the position of dictator, they have no conscience and are psychopaths.

Weak limp-dicked perverts who are too afraid to say NO! to the ones that control them. Is this the type of person we want in a position of power. I need say no more.

But I will, there are lots that have got themselves into this position and there have been lots in the past who were in the same position - THAT protection they sought, as it turns out, is not what they thought, protection inevitably turns out to be ASSASSINATION - History shows this to be true. Follow these rules and we will protect you, however there is the small print, we cannot let you get too old and start to get a conscience so before that happens, and we will pick the time, you will die of a heart attack or organ failure but you will die before you tell the world your story. This is what these politicians are NOT told, but they are given the fiat and the lifestyle to compensate for the final part of their lives being taken from them.
Their families are also put at risk - TPTB are not interested in whether the politicians will or won't do something, they KNOW they will, because they live under threat and they have put their very children at risk - for a few pieces of paper that say 'PROMISE TO PAY' on them. What sort of parent would do that ? SCUM!
Not only that they send their boys to the very same schools to do the same thing - Sick isn't it.
Well that is the type we elect to govern us.

Am I 100% correct? No! but I am not FAR OFF the mark.

Namaste, rev;

Friday, 17 February 2012

Robert Green

It may not be obviouse you all out there, however there IS a 'MAN' and I use that term in its proper context who has just recently been sentenced to 1 year in prison.

What had he done wrong?

He (still) IS a thorn in the side of the PTB especially in Scotland, not so much in England, YET!, there are those English within the borders of England who will be rubbing their hands with glee that Robert has been put away.
However it is only one year - and his QUEST will continue regardless, those rubbing their hands are the very paedophiles that are sniffing little girls and boys bottoms when no one is looking. Believe me some of these individuals are 'HIGH PROFILE' and ARE in parliament in Scotland and has been intimated England as well. We know who they are and the names will appear in this blog in good time. Just as Ted Heath has been outed as a paedophile - confronted and accused but the nasty piece of work he is / was, upped and died before he was scheduled to have his rectum widened by the prison bed posts.

Robert has been the leading campaigner in support of justice for Hollie Greig (click the link to find out more)
As you can imagine, with Robert gunning for the paedophiles in this country and those at the highest levels of society, he has attracted rather a lot of flack. The MEDIA - the very same ones that refused to cover such as SIR Jimmy have refused to cover Hollies case. They say there is not enough evidence.
Yer! like there was enough evidence of WMD in Iraq - What was their excuse? We took the word of the SECRET SERVICES and INTELEGENCE reports. Well I can assure you that the EVIDENCE for the case of Holie is FAR and away more REAL and presentable than the WMD in Iraq.

Ah, but no he wasn't put behind bars for this NO, NO , NO. He was put behind bars on a trumped up charge of a BREACH of the PEACE. The PTB had over 60 witnesses, yes, yes they did, but it took them a couple of years to get them - probably prime them and get their statements - YET not many of them bothered to turn up to the trial - Oh and OH! some of them are implicated in the Paedophile case.
That's interesting! I am going to assume that ALL the witnesses are involved in some-way because they never took the stand when requested to state otherwise. Some did and some LIED but the rest of them are, in my mind, and that of thousands of others for all HISTORY to know 'GUILTY by omission'.
I am not a judge, so I cannot actually pass sentence so don't take my word for it (Yes DO!).

This case, or both cases, are of international interest. I refer to those following the case and they are watching everything that is going on and yes you have it correct there are those not within our country who may just be as guilty of this horrendous crime (Paedophilia) those involved don't need to follow it they are busy running away. To those I say, the DARK ones are following and that little voice in their head will NEVER let them forget what they have done EVER.

By IMPLICATION 'Her MAJESTY the Queen' is accused, I do not say this lightly, those that REPRESENT the CROWN have colluded to 'QUIET' Robert and it IS, after all, in HER NAME.
IS she involved? With a cover up this BIG one HAS to wonder. But then again Her Majesty might just intercede, if she doesn't, and she is in FULL possession of the FACTS - YES she has been contacted but the paedophiles in her employ may have HIDDEN the truth from her, NEVER the less if she is not aware of it by now and does nothing to right this wrong or give a FULL explanation and the FACTS in a proper 'UNTAINTED and uncorrupted (don't hold your breath) Appeal. I for one say she IS implicated and through OUR LAWS of this LAND is as GUILTY of the crime as the ones who are keeping it from her.
GOD cannot save our Queen, GOD abandoned her when she became a European Citizen, a lowly pleb like the rest of us (1974) Lisbon Treaty (TREASON to the peoples of this LAND).

Anne Greig, in a recent statement has made it clear that the case against those involved in the Hollie RAPES will continue and, NOW, will take on a new level - STRONGER and more EXTENSIVE.

The world is waking up and this case is one of hundred of thousands that will be brought before the people of this planet and one day we will be rid of this filth forever - I am a peaceful man so I will give the CHOICE to those involved hand yourselves in NOW and take whatever it is that is inevitably coming or wait till you are discovered, by which time I can only state 'May God have mercy on your souls'.
We don't hang anyone any more but just for those who wish to know the wording of the penalty, here it is
"(full name of prisoner) you will be taken hence to the prison in which you were last confined and from there to a place of execution where you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead and thereafter your body buried within the precincts of the prison and may the Lord have mercy upon your soul".
I am one of thousands who have written the queen and withdrawn my consent to be governed by her until redress is given to the sovereign people of this land. Upon which I will once again agree to rejoin and do my duty for the good of the people and the monarchy.

Robert, you my friend are going down in HISTORY as a GOOD man, because you stood up to these murdering pigs, corruption and did not eat of the swill these people consume on an hourly basis.

Namaste Robert Namaste, Rev;