Saturday, 15 December 2012

The great DWP railcard mystery

by Steve Rose

Have you seen this card before? I’d be very surprised if you had because the DWP have made almost no effort to tell you it exists.  You are able to claim if you have been unemployed for six months or more without referral to the catastrophic work programme (9 months for 18-24 year olds and 12 months for over 25s). It also extends to those claiming incapacity benefit, ESA or income support (provided you are found fit for work). In November last year, the New Deal railcard was quietly re-named the Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card.
This lovely piece of green plastic entitles you to 50% Off Anytime Day and Off-Peak Day tickets (including Off-Peak Day Travelcards for travel starting outside London Zones 1-9).  Including weekly, monthly and longer period Season Tickets and Travelcards (up to 3 months in length).
You can link it to your Oyster Card and get the same amount off (PAYG) fares in zones 1-6. Brilliant! Where do I sign up? You simply visit your local Job Centre Plus, assuming of course that staff will know of this scheme. My personal adviser certainly did not.
One of the many stipulations for claiming JSA involves you searching for work with ninety minutes of your home.  Within this three-month gap, I had interviews that proved rather expensive in places like Poole and London. Whilst I had a 16-25 railcard, I could have saved more had I been made aware I was eligible for it.
I challenge you to visit your local job centre, ask a member of staff, and find a leaflet inside that explains this scheme. There was never anything in my local centre. Maybe I looked in the wrong direction or asked the wrong question. Should we be expected to know this? I fear many like me now on the work programme (or yet to be referred) do not know about this card.
It was recently announced that some of the biggest bus companies (Arriva, First, Go-Ahead, National Express and Stagecoach) and some local operators will offer free bus fare to the unemployed.  This scheme will cover 70% of the country. However, according to this Stagecoach press release, you need to fall within the remit of the discount card to apply. Therefore, those, like me, on the work programme, once again miss discounted travel.
Iain Duncan Smith famously told us to “get on the bus” to find work. Well, Mr Smith, in rural areas near me services are cut and I’m no longer eligible for discounted public transport. Thank you. Thank you very much.
It’s hard enough affording most things on £56.45 a week without navigating the expensive dysfunction of public transport.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Hodge the DODGE

Here is a comment on the post:

Why Guido Won’t Be Apologising to Hodge the Dodge

This morning the Telegraph issued a carefully-worded apology to question-dodging Margaret Hodge:
“Contrary to our report “Hodge faces challenge over family firm’s taxes” (Nov 20), Stemcor, in which Ms Hodge has a small shareholding, has not abused transfer pricing to avoid tax. We accept that there is no inconsistency or hypocrisy in Ms Hodge criticising other companies for tax avoidance and apologise to her for any contrary impression.”
Note the very specific assertion that Stemcor did not abuse transfer pricing to avoid tax. Guido never made that claim. The paper’s willingness to describe a million pound plus shareholding as “small” is odd, and crucially there is no mention of Hodge’s use of shares held in trusts. She has still yet to reply to our repeated questions, which followed a very different line to the Telegraph’s accusations and have been sent again to her today. Guido stands by everything we have written.
 Never forget, never forgive says:
In 1985, Demetrious Panton complained about abuse that he had suffered while in Islington council’s care in the 1970s and 1980s. He did not receive an official reply until 1989, in which the council denied responsibility.
In 1990, Liz Davies, a senior social worker employed by the borough and her manager, David Cofie, raised concerns about sexual abuse of children in Islington Council care. Correspondence between Margaret Hodge and the director of social work indicates that she declined a request for extra resources to investigate.
In 2003, following Hodge’s appointment as Minister for Children, Demetrious Panton went public with his allegation that he was abused in Islington Council care and had repeatedly raised this issue with no effect. He accused Hodge of being ultimately responsible for the abuse that he suffered. Following a media campaign conducted by several national newspapers calling for her to resign from her new post, she responded to Panton by letter, in which she referred to him as ‘extremely disturbed’.
Panton then passed the letter to the press which planned to publish it, only to be judicially restrained from doing so at the instruction of Hodge. The letter was eventually published, mainly on the grounds that the blocking of the letter was seen as disproportionate. Hodge was forced to publicly apologise and offered to contribute to a charity of Panton’s choosing as recompense.


Hodge apologises to abuse victim

Hodge: 'Genuinely sorry' for comments
Children's Minister Margaret Hodge has said sorry to the sex abuse victim she branded "extremely disturbed". Mrs Hodge said she would like to "apologise unreservedly" to Demetrious Panton for the description.
She had made the remarks in a letter of complaint to the BBC about an inquiry into a child abuse scandal in London's Islington where she was council leader.
But Mr Panton said Mrs Hodge should "do the decent thing" and resign. The Conservatives also said she should go. 
MORE ...

Full text of Hodge's letter

This is the full text of Children's Minister Margaret Hodge's letter to Demetrious Panton.

Dear Mr Panton, I am writing to say sorry for the distress caused to you in recent days.
I would like to apologise unreservedly for using the words 'is an extremely disturbed person' with reference to you. I assure you I will not repeat those words again.
I know you suffered appalling abuse in the 1970s when you were young and vulnerable from the very people who should have protected and cared for you.
Anyone in your situation would rightly feel angry and let down after so many years of being disbelieved.
I have never sought to belittle or invalidate the experience of those who have suffered physical or sexual abuse.
Over many decades, all victims of abuse in children's homes in Islington and elsewhere were betrayed by those in whose care their safety and well-being was entrusted.
I wish you all the best for the future and am genuinely sorry for having contributed to your pain and anger.
Yours sincerely,

Margaret Hodge MP

See for yourself on the BBC web site ...

So Margaret Hodge KNOWS about the abuse :
"I know you suffered appalling abuse in the 1970s when you were young and vulnerable from the very people who should have protected and cared for you."
 What else does she know? One does not get to the dizzy heights that Hodges has and willing to state publicly that SHE KNOWS about "appalling abuse" without being in some sort of inner circle and to state this publicly when she has not, to my limited knowledge, come forward to prosecute or testify her 'KNOWLEDGE' - The word 'I KNOW' does not imply I understand or I empathise it means I KNOW - KNOWLEDGE OF.
This is ONE seemingly innocuous MP, there are over 600 of them, quite a few ARE innocent, if there is such an MP, and I venture they are NOT involved, yet if they knew anything of this nature they WOULD come forward regardless of the harm they may come to under the military wing of this dictatorship. However there are many in THAT house that do know what is going on and it is time they washed their laundry in the OPEN.

MARGARET, thank you, you have personally opened that can that little bit more and let us see the contents. We do not see it all YET but WE WILL. You have now put yourself in danger as did Kelly but Kelly was one of the good guys. I do not see you being a good guy, quite the opposite.
Anyhow, YOU 'KNOW' how your kind deal with whistle blowers and it is 'THAT CLUB' we the people wish to bring down, HOWEVER you have made it clear YOU are NOT part of 'we the people' and I as many will 'WASH our hands of the consequences of your actions.'

Remember wisely the quote by
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.
 You have chosen your side by remaining SILENT whilst all along knowing that Demetrious Panton suffered on your watch. When the KNOCK comes or the letter from your handler comes or the order from above comes to remove you as it did for Kelly and many others. You will not find any support from this quarter, UNLESS you stand tall and TELL everything you DO KNOW and name NAMES.
THEN you will have 'WE the PEOPLE' covering your back.

Ignore these offers at your peril; BUT NOT from this quarter - We the PEOPLE are none violent and do not cause harm, WE are peaceful. BE CLEAR ON THIS.

Namaste, rev phil;


Monday, 10 December 2012

Everyone should read this booklet

 A sovereign nation or country is only truly sovereign if it has complete control over its own money supply. The selected ten quotes I have added on the next page all show that we, the ordinary decent people of Great Britain, have a real problem on our hands. Since the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694, there has been a gradual and orchestrated attempt by a few wealthy families to ensure that all money for the country’s use is created by them out of thin air and as debt. It is vital for the future well-being of our country that money must once again serve the people and not the other way round. This complex system of money supply that can only result in spiraling debt, increasing fear and abject misery must now be taken down lawfully and without violence. Almost one hundred years ago at the outbreak of the First World War, a little known historical precedent took place which is now the key to our freedom from the private bankers and their unlawful debt and control over us.

So here’s the little known story of The Bradbury Pound
…… enjoy and be inspired!

Justin Walker
November 2012


This ‘system’ results in enslavement and servitude. It creates dreadful unhappiness amongst ordinary decent people and causes wars, debt, starvation, pollution and environmental destruction. It feeds on greed, fear and division. It forces people onto the corporate treadmills of mass mindless production and mass mindless consumption. It uses lies, deception, intimidation and entrapment at all times. It is a system that is so clever and so cunning that most of the world is completely oblivious to its existence. It is a system that allows a few winners at the expense of a huge number of losers. It is a system that considers itself to be unbeatable and indestructible and is now so arrogant that it believes it can control everything and everyone on its terms.


If your interest is spiked, go ahead and read all of the booklet you will be amased and astounded.
We have been led by the nose for far too long and those responsible need to to spend the rest of their natural lives behind bars - AND after those that require it have been hanged (executed) - IN PRIVATE - but whitnessed, for their CRIMES of TREASON.

NOT to the MONARCH but to us 'WE THE PEOPLE'

Bankers Bradbury and the carnage on the Western Front!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

A worthy cause

The Bexley Petiton & The Right to Recall

(Guest post by Olly Cromwell).

Get over to Capt'n Ranties and read his guest post for this week and please do sign the petition.

We have a trooper needing assistance and we cannot let a good opportunity go to waste.

Namaste, rev phil;

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Why Desmond had no choice but to spurn Tony Blair

On the off chance that Desmond ever reads this blog, and that is little to none but one never knows. However I am going to do something that Desmond should have done in the Johannesburg summit a few days ago. I AM going to say something.

But before I do I wish to make it clear that Tony B(Liar) is a TOE RAG and a despicable excuse for a human being. For those who disagree, you are welcome to share in the misery and carnage his decisions to invade Iraq arrive with. Anyone who supports such murderous actions - killing of women and Children and men of all ages. Call it - collateral damage if you wish but it is still murder no matter what you are told. Reject it now and save having to answer for it after you meet the ones who were killed in YOUR name and with YOUR finances and with YOUR BLESSINGS. I, will have none of it, it would have been a different matter if they had invaded our country but that was never on the cards and that toe rag Bliar knows it.

So Desmond here is what I think all are welcome to read, all that is with the exception of the PTB and the so called authorities, in reality it is YOU that is the problem in this country and not the popularly coined 'unwashed' it is those unwashed that keep you in the positions you have gained - We the people or as you know them 'useless eaters' PAY for your 'EVERYTHING' so go ahead and cut us off, it is after all your own nose.

Desmond you are a bit of a dichotomy to me, I used to drive past your place quite often, Bishops Court - Cape Town. You take or took in the homeless and let people stay in the grounds of your home, however despite having some unusual ideas about the solution to the current situation I reserve the right to believe you are doing some good.
I have never been able to place you directly in one camp or the other and some of the things you have said has been for and against. You were an important figure in the post apartheid truth and reconciliation hearings and have always appeared to be on the side of the people.
From what I have read in the guardian / Observer article (
Sunday 2 September 2012) Desmond you infer / state it was your intention to go to the Johannesburg summit but your conscience would not allow it and felt it was not appropriate to go and say anything. I would have to disagree with this stance Desmond it is your duty as a human being and with your unique knowledge, you should have gone and said exactly what we ourselves would wish to say.
If one is for the people one has to say what the people do not get the chance to say in such meetings, such a message coming from you Desmond would send a deep and hammering blow to someone who since leaving the office of Prime Minister of the UK who decided to become a catholic.
This is an opportunity that will not present itself again and is a wasted opportunity.
Desmond - Do not do what YOU believe will upset the leaders do what is right by all manner of people: Holding your tongue does nothing for humanity and the dead Iraqis nor will it do anything for those about to die and have died in Syria and it certainly has done nothing for an entire population such as Palestine.
We do not need nor want silent leaders we require noisy cogs squeaky wheels and spanners in the works.

I do hope you do get to read this Desmond and I do hope that like hundreds of thousands of people like myself, given the opportunity, we would make it known that such leadership as Tony Bliar offered is offensive and should be heard in the Hague. Tony Blair IS a WAR CRIMINAL, but in the interest of fairness he should first stand trial in front of the people and answer to this crime, in the mean time and because he is protected by many in authority we should shout from the rooftops that we believe he IS a WAR CRIMINAL.

We need the current spiritual
leaders and the current government representatives to be courageous, saving face now will only make things worse and perpetuate the deaths that are to come. Blood is to be spilled in the next conflict and those that do not stand up and say something now will share in having that blood on their hands - It never washes off and will always smell and one can never adequately state retrospectively that they never agreed with the conflict, if one says nothing now it is acquiescent (Consent) regardless of ones actions after the fact AND allow the next conflict and the next and the next because YOU did not make a stand to stop them.
We the people are NOT powerless but we are giving you in authority time to put things right, if you fail in this you in authority will have to answer to we the people and to all those that come after us, it is our intention to make it known to future peoples of this planet just who it was who created this 'democracy' and who the real criminals were - Hitler will, after your names are known, seem like an inferior tinpot dictator but those who will be named will be denigrated for all eternity. However before this happens there will be trials and inquisitions, those who show no remorse should be executed and this suggestion is more prolific 'On the Ground' than you believe - personally I do not agree but I will not oppose such executions because your acts have been and are so heinous and despicable to me and millions of fellow sovereign sentients. You have been told.

Namaste rev phil;

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Police accounability to the public

This blog post is inspired by a post on face-book written by Dawne Sheldrick-Keatin, thank you Dawne.
The post I read pointed out the number of killings over the last 15 years by our police farce.

Under no circumstances do I support the use of firearms against the public who are not themselves armed, regardless as to how dangerous the police think those sought are. 
Unless a shot is fired by a suspect or member of the public using a weapon of such a calibre that could kill or has killed previously, by the SUSPECT or MEMBER of the PUBLIC.

Let me make things clear, I have been in the situation where lethal force would have been acceptable, be clear, although lethal force has been used in situation(s) where I have been involved it was used only after much debate and tactical advice. This was, after all, whilst in the parachute regiment and in N. Ireland.  Am I proud of this fact, no, and please recognise I have never personally shot anyone.
These were situations far worse than that of the police today in this country, even counting our current climate and the (perceived) threat of terrorism.

So, what of the police today, and the current arming of what I can only describe as - 'keystone cops - with weapons.'
I do know the fear of going out on the streets, that I could be shot at any moment, however even given the fact we were on 'active service' there were then, as there are now rules of engagement.
(The famous YELLOW CARD)

Additional rules were made for other munitions,namely baton rounds of the PVC type (rubber bullets)

I believe one can 'embigen' these pictures, so if you would like to have a read go ahead. The purpose of the above pictures is to highlight my point only. WE had to memorise and rigidly stick to these rules. There were NEVER any exceptions.

These rules have been around for many, many years and are WELL KNOWN. This should NOT come as a surprise to anyone (Ignorance is NO defence).

Police officers have shot dead 41 men and one woman in the past 15 years
Mark Duggan 
Jean Charles de Menezes
Mark Saunders
Azelle Rodney
Here are FOUR and I would bet that you only knew 3, if you know more you are keeping an eye on the police and I and the families thank you.

41 MURDERED, with the possible exception, of one, however I hasten to add, this is 41 killed by shooting  there are countless others who have been murdered whilst in custody who were not shot and it is ALL these others I now include.
All those deaths, what are we going to do about it? What have we done?

Do not think for one moment that you are not involved, any one of the next ones could be YOU, your daughter, son, mother, father,  grand child, grand mother or your grand father. 
Are there going to be more? 
I am willing to gamble, as many did years ago when there were only 10 shot 'DEAD' by the police. The families of the NOW dead did not think for one moment that their sons or fathers would be dead now, especially SHOT by the BRITISH POLICE FARCE.

So THINK AGAIN it could be YOU next!

The IPCC are BENT (Crooked, Criminal, dishonest) and have been for years nay decades, so we can be assured of one thing, not one of these deaths have been independently (Publicly-regulated) investigated and of course we will not have seen much in the way of a sentence maybe not even in the way of prosecution.

As a case in point the names I have higlighted above are ONLY known about because of the controversies surrounding their deaths and only then were the details and, supposed investigation, or lack thereof exposed.

Every single death committed by a policeman whether dead or alive should be RE-INVESTIGATED.

This should ONLY be completed under the gaze of the PUBLIC - A designated section of the community in every Town, City and Village should be elected  to and dedicated to the service of investigating of all past present and future deaths due to police action. Not one should ever again be investigated by EXPERTS, SCIENTISTS, LAWYERS, JUDGES, POLICE, DOCTORS or anyone connected with the victim - no matter how tentative and those designated should only have a limited service life on the investigation board.

During any investigation if a professional is required, whomever is nominated will call upon whomever they feel the need of from a list of none accountable / independent experts. NONE of whom can or should be in any way related or involved with any politician, judge, police or lawyer; The finer point would need to be clarified and for what reason. Just to add for completeness, there should never be any evidence given that is anonymous.

A death whilst in the SAFE keeping of the police should be served with a LIFE sentence without the possibility of parole. 
Covering up ANY detail that obstructs the JURY (investigation team) should be served with a minimum sentence of TEN years without the possibility of parole. 

REMEMBER 'Ignorance is NO defence'. We have had it RAMMED down our throats for so long we can now state categorically 'WE GET IT!' and now as I propose SO will the POLICE.

All other LAWS regarding murder should remain the same and YES this IS singling out the Police, it is right that it should and it is right that they should know it. The reasons are obvious to those who have a brain to think for themselves.

The above pictures regarding the RULES of ENGAGEMENT should be enforced NOW on ALL who own a weapon, regardless of whether they are Military, Police or Civilian. They protect the individual and the potential suspect or aggressor. They were good for us whilst on active service so they should be good for those patrolling our streets - if they are NOT I recommend ALL ex squadies begin a class action suit against the government.

All constables who are to carry firearms should be IQ tested and those below 100, that is, those in the lower two thirds should never be allowed near a weapon. For those who question this I am referring only to the police, the military are different and should not be tested, unless requested by the individual.

All the secret service, regardless of function, excluding cleaners and such ancillary staff attached to but not operational should also be tested.
No politician could ever be tested, it would be pointless, we already know the results just from our current prime minister. But on a more serious note politicians should be from the PEOPLE, people from all walks of life and as such an IQ test would unfairly disadvantage many good leaders and thinkers.

Last but not least by any stretch of the imagination should be the INQUEST.
Only under extreme circumstances should an inquest or even the investigation take more than one year and ALL details should be IN THE PUBLIC, NEVER should there ever be supposition, that is to say there should never be any thing studied that is not backed by fact, The court ruling inquest should never be convened until after a complete evidential investigation.

It is time we the people started to take control of this alarming trend, the time to sit back has passed, we can no longer trust those we put into power and we can no longer trust the police to investigate themselves and that includes the so called 'Independent' Police Complaints Commission.
The so called ruling class has let Britain down and badly, they are no longer competent to hold such positions without oversight, as uneducated as the masses might be what we will have is preferential to what we have been given now which brings me to another subject for another day THE EDUCATION SYSTEM.

I trust you have enjoyed this article and yes we have some work ahead of us and it is WE THE PEOPLE that are going have to do it. Long gone are the days when we could trust those we elected to do our bidding we have to scratch the lot and start again - the playing field today is more like a mass of craters and mounds, it needs leveling.

Namaste, rev phil;

Sunday, 19 August 2012

What do you ALL want?

This has to be asked and it is really a rhetorical question.
We are heading for total tyranny and slavery, YES we have it now and it is going to get worse.
So WHAT do you want?
Things don't seem so bad, we work we earn we eat we drink we go about our business we go on holiday things are 'NORMAL' well at least that is what it looks like.
For those that have awoken to the problems we are facing, they, WE, see what looks normal and know it is only a veneer it is a covering for the mess that is underneath just a mere scratch of the surface and we see what is really going on, most would not dare to scratch the surface what they believe is the surface needs polishing, the politicians would have it carpeted, it doesn't matter what one does to it it needs removing, it needs disposing of.
Would you keep your dead relative in their favourite chair?
Well by all accounts the vast majority of the population would, the body seems ok, yes it is dead but the skin is still in tact, we all know that one day the skin is going to fall off and the mass of decay that is underneath will start to show, it is inevitable.
It is this that we are doing, or at least what the majority are doing.
There is no way they are going to listen.
What would YOU do?
We have to calmly inform them of their loss and quietly remove the body, dispose of it gracefully and help them to recover and continue life without their deceased relative.

Yes, back to the point, what we have seems ok on the surface but it is rotten to the core. By getting rid of it we are going to find we will have to go through a transition and that transition is going to be hard for a period, the outcome will be best for all and for future generations, so YES we are going to head for depression.

I believe that no matter what we do there are going to be HARD times, YET I would rather cut out the ROT and suffer the consequences knowing that better times are on the way. To do nothing means we are heading for hardships YET there is no light to look forward to, WHY? Because we have handed our future over to those we know do not have our interest at heart, the hardships will continue and there will be no end to it. All they want is THEY have it good, DAMN the rest.

So, WHAT do you want?
In my daily living I speak with normal people, regardless as to whether they are awake or not, I speak with good people, honest people I have yet to find a TERRORIST. What makes the people the way people are is by how they are allowed to live, treat them badly and they will push back treat them well and they will just live how they believe they should live. Tyranny is allowing people to live and progress is letting people live.
So WHAT do you want?

We are heading for dark times, and I am an optimist, I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I also see that we may have to get rid of a few bodies, and as SAD as that sounds it is not as bad as the smell will be if we let them remain in the living room.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Reasonable Force

Today whilst I was at work I was having a brief passing natter to a colleague, he was absent from work the day previous, I was enquiring as to what had happened for him to be away.
The BOSSES use less tact, but that is another story and maybe not for another day, needless to say I had lost ALL respect for this hapless couple many moons ago. But like I say that is another story.
Simon was away because he had, that night got home from a night out with his wife only to find he was being burgled, he called the police from his house while the burglars were busy helping themselves. Naturally he confronted them knowing, thinking, the police would arrive any minute as he had told the call centre that the burglary was in progress.
One of the burglars had taken a knife from his kitchen and threatened him with it so he backed off and the burglars left.

Now I admire his efforts to confront the burglars and I also admire his being brave enough to back off.

Anyway 20 minute after the burglars had left the, well let’s assume for now that, the police arrived. I say assume because they really could not be called police – the police are here to SERVE their public and in this case they failed miserably. Not only did they not turn up within a reasonable (REMEMBER THIS WORD) time they just took a statement and as usual mouthed the words procedure and that they may not find who DONE IT.
It is what we have or should have expected from the doughnut scoffing order taking violent inclined police to do, but enough of that.

In the INTERVIEW Simon asked ’If I was to have tackled the burglar while he was wielding a knife in my own home, what would have been the consequences, if I had inadvertently hurt him?’ The dumb fuck of a copper replied that he may be prosecuted for assault.
So while trying to protect his property and the lives of himself and the wife HE MAY be prosecuted for assault?
When asked why this would be the FUZZ replied, well it is a case of ‘REASONABLE FORCE’.

Now this conversation was all I needed to start thinking of my next BLOG

‘REASONABLE FORCE’ and what is meant by reasonable force. Would that be the reasonable force WE are supposed to adhere to or the REASONABLE FORCE the police use on innocent women, children and men.

The TWO definitions to me are POLES apart.
On the one hand we have over a thousand (1000+) DEATHS of suspects whilst in custody, the thousands of peaceful demonstrators beaten to a pulp on the streets demonstrating against our government, and rightfully so, and then there are the countless others who for NO reason (remember reason-ABLE) who are beaten by the police and IN that number I include my own son. So what are we assume when a copper SPOUTS the words – Reasonable Force?

The other part to this reasonable force is what we are expected to achieve and it boils down to NOTHING, why? Because we do not have a CRIMINAL GANG of corrupt and violent thugs to LIE through their teeth to get us off the charge. PLUS we do NOT have the option to resign and the whole thing goes away.

So I will leave you with this thought, the next time you are in court and have to answer to the question of REASONABLE FORCE, ask the judge or as is increasingly happening the magistrate WHICH definition does he require – the one WE are supposed to adhere to or the one the POLICE use ad nauseum on innocent victims and while you are at it ASK if while the police are beating the CRAP out of someone DO THEY NOT HAVE A DUTY OF CARE TO THE PUBLIC?

The depths of my revulsion for the cops gets ever deeper, and before anyone spouts the crap about there being DECENT cops out there, yes there are some compassionate cops and there are some decent ones however I would like to ask WHERE are they, NOW! more than ever we need these police to make a stand but, as I suspect they are more concerned with the next pay packet or not making waves or some other excuse that floats their boat.

AND yes there are some who are making a stand BUT and it is a BIG BUT they are in the minority of the majority of those that could / want to do something. Brave they are but they are being let down by those other lily livered scared to death wannabes who need to grow a pair.

Now I would happily support these brave police men and women BUT, another BIG BUT, the police have more than a passing interest in SUBVERSIVE COVERT other wise known as Agent provocateurs - In other words those police that are willing to do the whistle blowing are going to have to go public and then, only then will they get any sort of protection or support from the public.

Love to hear what all you guys think.

Namaste, rev phil;

Wednesday, 4 July 2012



Published by: feelfree on 29th Jun 2011 | View all blogs by feelfree

I have, on occasion, been stopped by the policymen and on occasion been cautioned, have been in court, stood my ground against all comers; authorities and corporations and on all but a few occasions 'WON'.

Because in my 'HEART of HEARTS' I AM a FREE-MAN.

Even when I had no idea of what being a freeman was. Being a FREEMAN is instinctive, pushing against those that wish to control and putting them 'fairly in their place' is what being a freeman / woman is all about.

There are NO rules to being born and there are no rules that keep me living, save consuming food, air and water. These three things are all I need to continue in existence on this planet, AND are FREE?

Yes everything I require to survive is FREE!
I have chosen to live under shelter and eat food that has been, until now, convenient.
I partake in products that have travelled far to get to me and I know I have to PAY for these things.
I understand and am willing to be a part of such a society, and given the choice I would BE a willing part of it.


We all come under the same laws and have equal access to those LAWS, YET there is an interloper; a comer inner, something that stands in my way that denies me access to all that I am eligible and it is ‘AUTHORITY’.

Somewhere, sometime, it seems there is/was a group that believe(s/d) I am incapable of fending for myself and has taken it upon themselves to ‘MANAGE’ me, my life, from cradle to grave and I do not accept this edict.

How this has come about is no mystery to me or to those others we call FREEMAN / WOMAN.

It is the 'FREEDOM' that we have been ‘GIVEN’ by those who think they are in control that I do not agree with.
I can accept to a degree that there are things I need not concern myself with. Yes we elect ‘managers’ to control aspects of our lives that are beneficial to us all, it is true. However what has been happening over the years is that those elected ‘managers’ have run out of things to do, they have employed close relatives, given jobs to the ‘BOYS’ and fed theirs, and their own egos to the point that they believe they are ‘MORE’ than those that elected them.

Because there are more people in ‘MANAGEMENT’ than there are tasks, they have ‘INVENTED’ more tasks. A hierarchy developed and the rest is, as it were, HISTORY.

The solution, then, is to devolve the power structure and maintain a working ‘MANAGEMENT’, however those who started this cycle, initially, forgot to pass down the information pertaining to ‘WHO holds the real POWER’. So when the people cottoned on to the transition of power, moves where made to redress it.

This is the REASON for FREEMEN / WOMEN, but those who hold office in this ‘OUR’ country are under the impression that we TOLD them we do not want POWER and that they MUST control all aspects of our lives, they have become comfortable, nay, accustomed to it and will fight to maintain this position at all costs, all the laws, statutes and acts are placed there as weapons to protect their positions.

Anyone who protests and fights against those who weild these weapons, in whatever way they believe is right, ARE  (Free men / women ).

The documents and scripts on this forum and many others are methods, so far, employed at redressing the ballance of power and are by no means the only way.

Your TASK, if you chose to accept it, is to research and find ways to make being in power uncomfortable and an iritant, until remedy is gained.

Hope this is understandable ( I think I have outlied the essentials)

Namaste, rev;

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

HOLLIE GREIG (Case now 12 years old)

Here is an OPEN letter re-produced for you to read. The other reason is that it will put YET more information on the web regarding HOLLIE GREIG.

My question IS are we going to get an answer?

We are, after all, under the impression that this letter HAS, as it has, gone directly to the LEADER of the Scottish government. As such we would NORMALLY expect a reply to all the questions given in the letter.

If there is NOTHING to HIDE all the questions can be answered, however this is NOT the first time these questions have been asked. SO it can only conclude that something IS BEING HIDDEN.

There IS a paedophile ring of who's members seem to be quite influential, MUCH weight has been put on this, to the point that the subject is considered closed. Because of the 'COVER UP', seemingly, it does seem that Mr Salmond is NOT in 'FULL' control and someone other than the head of the government IS piling weight to bury this case. Well this is HOW it seems to me - WHY ELSE would they wish for this to go away and Mr Salmond is quite incapable of answering these questions, NOT because he is not answering them, because of the secrecy, I believe there is someone else TELLING HIM what to do.

Now I would like to know, not only the answers to these questions but, WHO is it that is SO POWERFUL that he controls the Scottish ministers.

So you see at the end of this letter the writer is correct. It will not go away AND they, by their ignorance of it, ARE digging themselves a hole that they eventually - WELL PASSED THAT NOW - NOT be able to get out of or recover from.

An open email, to the First Minister, calling for a public inquiry Posted on February 4, 2012 by webmaster I have just received an email from Anne (yes, her own email), asking me to put this open email up on the site. An open email, to the First Minister, calling for a public inquiry. by Ian McFerran on Saturday, 4 February 2012 at 15:49 Mr Salmond, This is an open email to you, calling for a public inquiry into the allegations made by HOLLIE GREIG and the conduct of yourself, your Ministers and others throughout this case, since the year 2000. You will recall that I have contacted you many times in respect of the corruption of your Ministers and Office, not least your Minister known as The Lord Advocate (now Dame) Elish Angiolini QC. I formally placed you on notice, via a Freedom of Information request, on 28th January 2011 with the questions repeated below (similar questions being sent to the, then, Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini), none of which were answered by your Office of the Office of the Lord Advocate. This lead to the Information Commissioner becoming involved, forcing your Office to comply with my request or face charges of Contempt of Court. Your reply was week, to say the least, claiming, as your Office did, not to have knowledge or record of such matters. The questions to your Office were: 1.When did you first become aware of the allegations made by Hollie Greig about her being abused by members of a high-ranking paedophile ring in Scotland? 2.What actions, if any, did you take after becoming aware of Hollie Greig’s allegations? 3.What action does your Office – or you – intend taking regarding the inaction of your Government’s, then Procurator Fiscal and now Lord Advocate, Mrs Elish Angiolini, thereby placing other children at risk of abuse by this alleged paedophile ring? 4.What action does your Office – or you – intend taking in respect of Mrs Angiolini proven attempts to cover-up this specific case related to Hollie Greig? You will be aware of the attempts of your Lord Advocate to cover-up this case due to the emails I and many others have been sending to you and copying you into, which contained links to comments, speeches and letters made by Robert Green and his supporters. The information contained in those emails, for the best part of a year, clearly demonstrate the Lord Advocate’s involvement in this most despicable of cover-ups. Please feel free to review my previous emails to you for assistance in answering this point and the previous point. 5.Why have you not replied to my persistent email requests for your involvement, as the First Minister for Scotland, to bring a criminal investigation or instigate a public enquiry into the lack of a proper ‘full’ Police investigation in this matter where the witnesses and accused are actually questioned rather than either ignored or left to go about their business, respectively? 6.When can the Scottish people expect to see their First Minister act to amend the public perception of non-action by you and your Office, which amounts to a dereliction of duty and bringing the reputation of a public office into disrepute? It is worth noting that, in respect of questions 3, 4 and 6, to date, NOTHING has been done. As such, children and vulnerable adults remain at risk due to your apparent lack of interest of concern for them. On Tuesday 17th January 2012, in Stonehaven Open Court, it was clearly established that Grampian Police Force had failed in their sworn legal duty to fully and thoroughly investigate the claims made to them by Hollie Greig in respect of a high-ranking paedophile ring operating within the Scottish borders and apparently being protected by members of the Scottish legal system, ‘special needs’ education system, medical and social welfare professions. The case in question was that of Robert Green who had been charged with Breach of the Peace (SH10000189) and found guilty by Sheriff Bowen, who has been professionally associated with one of the key witnesses, Elish Angiolini, since at least December 2001. In case the information hasn’t reached your Office yet, Sheriff Bowen denied Robert Green the opportunity to question two key prosecution witnesses, one of which was his professional associate for more than ten years (Angiolini) and also denied Robert Green the chance to speak freely in his own defence under oath by preventing Robert Green from making a statement in his defence. Innocently, Sheriff Bowen also refused to confirm or deny whether he was a Freemason at the start of the trial. The allegations made by Hollie Greig were done so, formally, to Grampian Police Force in the year 2000 and again, formally, in 2009 – that time witnessed by Robert Green – who now faces sentencing from a Sheriff who is strongly suspected of being a Freemason, who failed to declare his professional association with a key witness and who denied the accused the chance to question witnesses or speak freely in his own defence. Given you have been aware of the entire case related to Hollie Greig on numerous occasions and by numerous sources, as well as the ongoing persecution of Robert Green by your Lord Advocate and Grampian Police Force, and that you are now in possession of facts which bring into question the honesty and integrity of your judicial system (Sheriff Bowen), I now demand that you stop protecting your corrupt friends in the Scottish Government and legal/law-enforcement professions and establish a full public inquiry into the allegations made by Hollie Greig (which, as established in Open Court, to date, have never been properly investigated) and also into the persecution of Robert Green. This email has been copied very widely and I hereby encourage others to do likewise and approach you and your Office with a similar request as this is a matter of great public interest – especially as Dame Angiolini is now a suspect in a criminal investigation into the misappropriation of public funds directly related to the case of Hollie Greig. Mr Salmond, the case of Hollie Greig will NOT go away! The more you and your corrupt friends try to cover it up, the deeper the hole you are digging for yourselves and the louder and louder the public will shout. To end this matter, there is only ONE option open to you, as a pubic servant – a public inquiry! I have one final question to put to you and your Office, does the Scottish Government, headed by you, still feel that Elish Angiolini is worthy of her Dame-hood? I await your response within 14 consecutive days. I trust I will not have to involve the Information Commissioner again. Yours, Ian McFerran Read more:

Sunday, 1 July 2012

It is NEVER going to go away

Take note Mr 'Cast Iron', 'Call me Dave' There is and always will be, regardless of what Mr T B(LIAR) did a few years ago the CRIME OF SEDITION AND TREASON, Misprision of treason, Misfeasance in public office, contravening the official secrets act, conspiracy and fraudulent accounting.

This all started many years ago and before any of the current ministers in power were in any way able to be a part of the problem (1971).
Prime minister Edward Heath (long since dispatched to HELL) Lied to the British public and placed us firmly under a foreign power (EEC then) EU now.

Tony the LIAR got rather worried about being caught out a few years ago and as such thought he could write out of the statutes the crime and punishment of TREASON, shortly after that he, without warning or being dismissed, FLED the office of Prime Minister and opted to enter into a private life.
The fact that the LIAR and TRAITOR left the government was cheered by all of this Isle is now history, he should never be forgotten, just as the child molester and TRAITOR Edward Heath should never be forgotten for his treason - this is NOT me speaking this is HISTORY and the documentation, evidence is bountiful. This message is ECHOED by thousands of others who know these facts to be true and there are witnesses to the facts.

IGNORANCE of the LAW is NO defence, Mr 'Call me Dave' and as such, and being in the office of Prime Minister you are well aware of the TREASON of your previous office holders, this puts you in the position of Misprision of Treason, at the VERY LEAST. However, not satisfied with the illegal acts of your predecessors you have promoted  their acts and furthered their cause, which places the CRIME of TREASON squarely on your HEAD.

Let me remind you of the punishment for these crimes.
Sedition                          LIFE IMPRISONMENT
Treason                          HANGING
Fraudulent Accounting    10 Years 
Misfeasance in Office      >2 - 5 < Years
Conspiracy                     Depending, what the conspiracy to do is but could be hanging or as little as 2 Years
Official Secret Act          10 Years

I would like to remind you that the TREASON LAW is not an ACT nor is it a Statute it is a CONSTITUTIONAL LAW and at least a TREATY and as such cannot EVER be repealed.
The ACT or TREASON ACT is on the statute books and HAD been transferred to the statute book and CAN be repealed but it cannot AFFECT or EFFECT the actual CONSTITUTION. The TREASON LAW still stands as it has done for centuries, regardless of the ACT being repealed.

I have written to the Queen and pointed this out, however because of the usurpation of her power, which Cameron has done nothing to put right - places Cameron 'Cast Iron' Dave in the co-conspiracy group.

Now ALL this can be solved and it is quite easy to do, first David Cameron should dissolve government, but before that he should place on the statute books that any person currently holding office or who has been previously convicted of a crime or offence should be banned for life for entering politics. The Monarch should be released from any restrictions other than her constitutional obligations and a NEW parliament should be formed 'UNDER COMMON LAW, of this country. Any treaty that has been signed on behalf of the people to be reviewed or repealed. Failure to do this will further deepen the CRIME of TREASON.

Further to this any one wishing to enter government or parliament should be required to swear an OATH to the 'PEOPLE' of this country, that they are under the WILL of the People and or their elected representatives and that to break this OATH brings the High Crime of TREASON and as such will be prosecuted and punished in the manner required by the 'PEOPLE'. Maximum of which is HANGING.

Last but NOT least, the FULL disclosure of ALL dealings with other parties or governments or countries who have conspired with our elected representatives to bring about a WORLD government, AKA New World Order.

All the other CRIMES, such as War Criminal crimes will be dealt with on an individual basis: Murder of previously serving military personnel, Foreign civilians, activists, scientists, journalists and the many other people will be taken into account along with all the other crimes.

The CALL is out for ALL those who are ABLE to convene a 'Popular Peoples Convention', The agenda is as set out above, primarily. The basis for Common LAW courts has already been convened as has the posse comitatus. Many Judges, Lawyers and 'Queens Council' have made it known that they are willing and able, the vast majority of the POLICE are ready to take up the cause and the military have disclosed their interest and support.

The MOVEMENT has grown over the last few years and it will not be long before more judges will be arrested as was the case in Birkenhead - All it took was 500 good men / women and true, However it was only four or five that executed the arrest. It is with GREAT SADNESS that our COUNTRIES HERO 'LOKI' A freeman on the land has departed this planet, LOKI is the one sat in the Judges seat at Birkenhead. He WILL I am sure be haunting a few well known places and probably a few courts. He will always be with us and we with him.

To those FEW and those who helped in the court and those outside - The country owes you a debt of gratitude for your revealing the corruption and perversion of justice.

That is ALL for now.

Namaste, rev;

Friday, 22 June 2012

This is MY shame not yours

For those who have just purchased a blackberry or apple or some other technology just so they can chat innanely with their friends take a GOOD long look at what you money does.

I am NOT interested if you think I am wrong, I am not going to hide my shame and I am no longer going to remain silent.
You may have made your purchase without any malcontent you may have enough money to do it and it IS yours you can do what you like, however there are those who do NOT get the chance to get to your status, age, height, weight some don't even get to live beyond your children's age some will NEVER have a life -EVER.

But let us come to the truth of what we see here, THIS is a DIRECT link to world CORPORATION where nothing is more sacrosanct than MONEY - MONEY will not help this child it never did and even if the planet survives the next trillion years MONEY will still not help children like this.
Keep your MONEY and stick it where the Sun doesn't shine and pucker up.

It IS money that DID this to this child and truth be told this child does not need any more of it.

What this child needs is a stable home where the parents can support their children and feed them from the soil under their feet. AND before you say they should work! FOR WHAT? money? Did you NOT read what I just wrote?
When we allow OTHERS to run the show for us THIS IS THE RESULT - When are you going to get that into your heads and SEE it for what it is.

You are NOT a member of the elite club and you will never be rich you will never be free you will never be healthy and you certainly will NEVER be ME - So why allow others to do what you should be doing in the first place.

Be absolutely CLEAR on this Government = Corporate controlled Government the two are synonymous 

Stand UP to those who call themselves YOUR government and TELL them to get this problem solved NOW of fuck off out of Dodge.

Now here is something you are NOT going to like and I am NOT, NOT going to say it.
This will someday be your children or grandchildren and I MEAN WILL BE not maybe not could but WILL if you continue to let these half baked morons we call our government, military and police continue to HELP US.
What in Gods name are we doing with weapons such as above when we can hardly afford to feed - even just the children of this planet. Why are our governments spending billions of pieces of paper manufacturing cluster bombs, land mines, AK47, tank busters, and why are the power elite building underground bunkers (large underground coffins) while our sick and hungry go without.

I HOPE - I REALLY hope you take offence to this section of my blog, because if you DO you are part of the problem - However if you share my thoughts - take a great big stick and poke it at your government and see if we can get a response.

Change your mind about being passive and start to ask AWKWARD questions, turn your back on politicians, Police and Authority If they join us (count your fingers after shaking their hands, and check your pockets for the contents). Once SCUM always SCUM - collectively start a communal justce department and start prosecuting the authoritarian bottom feeders and put them either on the freedom role or in a large dark cell and

We are MANY they are FEW

To the FEW your TIME IS UP and you will never be able to hide, someone somewhere will recognise you and you


Namaste, rev phil;