My question IS are we going to get an answer?
We are, after all, under the impression that this letter HAS, as it has, gone directly to the LEADER of the Scottish government. As such we would NORMALLY expect a reply to all the questions given in the letter.
If there is NOTHING to HIDE all the questions can be answered, however this is NOT the first time these questions have been asked. SO it can only conclude that something IS BEING HIDDEN.
There IS a paedophile ring of who's members seem to be quite influential, MUCH weight has been put on this, to the point that the subject is considered closed. Because of the 'COVER UP', seemingly, it does seem that Mr Salmond is NOT in 'FULL' control and someone other than the head of the government IS piling weight to bury this case. Well this is HOW it seems to me - WHY ELSE would they wish for this to go away and Mr Salmond is quite incapable of answering these questions, NOT because he is not answering them, because of the secrecy, I believe there is someone else TELLING HIM what to do.
Now I would like to know, not only the answers to these questions but, WHO is it that is SO POWERFUL that he controls the Scottish ministers.
So you see at the end of this letter the writer is correct. It will not go away AND they, by their ignorance of it, ARE digging themselves a hole that they eventually - WELL PASSED THAT NOW - NOT be able to get out of or recover from.
An open email, to the First Minister, calling for a public inquiry Posted on February 4, 2012 by webmaster I have just received an email from Anne (yes, her own email), asking me to put this open email up on the site. An open email, to the First Minister, calling for a public inquiry. by Ian McFerran on Saturday, 4 February 2012 at 15:49 Mr Salmond, This is an open email to you, calling for a public inquiry into the allegations made by HOLLIE GREIG and the conduct of yourself, your Ministers and others throughout this case, since the year 2000. You will recall that I have contacted you many times in respect of the corruption of your Ministers and Office, not least your Minister known as The Lord Advocate (now Dame) Elish Angiolini QC. I formally placed you on notice, via a Freedom of Information request, on 28th January 2011 with the questions repeated below (similar questions being sent to the, then, Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini), none of which were answered by your Office of the Office of the Lord Advocate. This lead to the Information Commissioner becoming involved, forcing your Office to comply with my request or face charges of Contempt of Court. Your reply was week, to say the least, claiming, as your Office did, not to have knowledge or record of such matters. The questions to your Office were: 1.When did you first become aware of the allegations made by Hollie Greig about her being abused by members of a high-ranking paedophile ring in Scotland? 2.What actions, if any, did you take after becoming aware of Hollie Greig’s allegations? 3.What action does your Office – or you – intend taking regarding the inaction of your Government’s, then Procurator Fiscal and now Lord Advocate, Mrs Elish Angiolini, thereby placing other children at risk of abuse by this alleged paedophile ring? 4.What action does your Office – or you – intend taking in respect of Mrs Angiolini proven attempts to cover-up this specific case related to Hollie Greig? You will be aware of the attempts of your Lord Advocate to cover-up this case due to the emails I and many others have been sending to you and copying you into, which contained links to comments, speeches and letters made by Robert Green and his supporters. The information contained in those emails, for the best part of a year, clearly demonstrate the Lord Advocate’s involvement in this most despicable of cover-ups. Please feel free to review my previous emails to you for assistance in answering this point and the previous point. 5.Why have you not replied to my persistent email requests for your involvement, as the First Minister for Scotland, to bring a criminal investigation or instigate a public enquiry into the lack of a proper ‘full’ Police investigation in this matter where the witnesses and accused are actually questioned rather than either ignored or left to go about their business, respectively? 6.When can the Scottish people expect to see their First Minister act to amend the public perception of non-action by you and your Office, which amounts to a dereliction of duty and bringing the reputation of a public office into disrepute? It is worth noting that, in respect of questions 3, 4 and 6, to date, NOTHING has been done. As such, children and vulnerable adults remain at risk due to your apparent lack of interest of concern for them. On Tuesday 17th January 2012, in Stonehaven Open Court, it was clearly established that Grampian Police Force had failed in their sworn legal duty to fully and thoroughly investigate the claims made to them by Hollie Greig in respect of a high-ranking paedophile ring operating within the Scottish borders and apparently being protected by members of the Scottish legal system, ‘special needs’ education system, medical and social welfare professions. The case in question was that of Robert Green who had been charged with Breach of the Peace (SH10000189) and found guilty by Sheriff Bowen, who has been professionally associated with one of the key witnesses, Elish Angiolini, since at least December 2001. In case the information hasn’t reached your Office yet, Sheriff Bowen denied Robert Green the opportunity to question two key prosecution witnesses, one of which was his professional associate for more than ten years (Angiolini) and also denied Robert Green the chance to speak freely in his own defence under oath by preventing Robert Green from making a statement in his defence. Innocently, Sheriff Bowen also refused to confirm or deny whether he was a Freemason at the start of the trial. The allegations made by Hollie Greig were done so, formally, to Grampian Police Force in the year 2000 and again, formally, in 2009 – that time witnessed by Robert Green – who now faces sentencing from a Sheriff who is strongly suspected of being a Freemason, who failed to declare his professional association with a key witness and who denied the accused the chance to question witnesses or speak freely in his own defence. Given you have been aware of the entire case related to Hollie Greig on numerous occasions and by numerous sources, as well as the ongoing persecution of Robert Green by your Lord Advocate and Grampian Police Force, and that you are now in possession of facts which bring into question the honesty and integrity of your judicial system (Sheriff Bowen), I now demand that you stop protecting your corrupt friends in the Scottish Government and legal/law-enforcement professions and establish a full public inquiry into the allegations made by Hollie Greig (which, as established in Open Court, to date, have never been properly investigated) and also into the persecution of Robert Green. This email has been copied very widely and I hereby encourage others to do likewise and approach you and your Office with a similar request as this is a matter of great public interest – especially as Dame Angiolini is now a suspect in a criminal investigation into the misappropriation of public funds directly related to the case of Hollie Greig. Mr Salmond, the case of Hollie Greig will NOT go away! The more you and your corrupt friends try to cover it up, the deeper the hole you are digging for yourselves and the louder and louder the public will shout. To end this matter, there is only ONE option open to you, as a pubic servant – a public inquiry! I have one final question to put to you and your Office, does the Scottish Government, headed by you, still feel that Elish Angiolini is worthy of her Dame-hood? I await your response within 14 consecutive days. I trust I will not have to involve the Information Commissioner again. Yours, Ian McFerran Read more:
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