Sunday, 1 July 2012

It is NEVER going to go away

Take note Mr 'Cast Iron', 'Call me Dave' There is and always will be, regardless of what Mr T B(LIAR) did a few years ago the CRIME OF SEDITION AND TREASON, Misprision of treason, Misfeasance in public office, contravening the official secrets act, conspiracy and fraudulent accounting.

This all started many years ago and before any of the current ministers in power were in any way able to be a part of the problem (1971).
Prime minister Edward Heath (long since dispatched to HELL) Lied to the British public and placed us firmly under a foreign power (EEC then) EU now.

Tony the LIAR got rather worried about being caught out a few years ago and as such thought he could write out of the statutes the crime and punishment of TREASON, shortly after that he, without warning or being dismissed, FLED the office of Prime Minister and opted to enter into a private life.
The fact that the LIAR and TRAITOR left the government was cheered by all of this Isle is now history, he should never be forgotten, just as the child molester and TRAITOR Edward Heath should never be forgotten for his treason - this is NOT me speaking this is HISTORY and the documentation, evidence is bountiful. This message is ECHOED by thousands of others who know these facts to be true and there are witnesses to the facts.

IGNORANCE of the LAW is NO defence, Mr 'Call me Dave' and as such, and being in the office of Prime Minister you are well aware of the TREASON of your previous office holders, this puts you in the position of Misprision of Treason, at the VERY LEAST. However, not satisfied with the illegal acts of your predecessors you have promoted  their acts and furthered their cause, which places the CRIME of TREASON squarely on your HEAD.

Let me remind you of the punishment for these crimes.
Sedition                          LIFE IMPRISONMENT
Treason                          HANGING
Fraudulent Accounting    10 Years 
Misfeasance in Office      >2 - 5 < Years
Conspiracy                     Depending, what the conspiracy to do is but could be hanging or as little as 2 Years
Official Secret Act          10 Years

I would like to remind you that the TREASON LAW is not an ACT nor is it a Statute it is a CONSTITUTIONAL LAW and at least a TREATY and as such cannot EVER be repealed.
The ACT or TREASON ACT is on the statute books and HAD been transferred to the statute book and CAN be repealed but it cannot AFFECT or EFFECT the actual CONSTITUTION. The TREASON LAW still stands as it has done for centuries, regardless of the ACT being repealed.

I have written to the Queen and pointed this out, however because of the usurpation of her power, which Cameron has done nothing to put right - places Cameron 'Cast Iron' Dave in the co-conspiracy group.

Now ALL this can be solved and it is quite easy to do, first David Cameron should dissolve government, but before that he should place on the statute books that any person currently holding office or who has been previously convicted of a crime or offence should be banned for life for entering politics. The Monarch should be released from any restrictions other than her constitutional obligations and a NEW parliament should be formed 'UNDER COMMON LAW, of this country. Any treaty that has been signed on behalf of the people to be reviewed or repealed. Failure to do this will further deepen the CRIME of TREASON.

Further to this any one wishing to enter government or parliament should be required to swear an OATH to the 'PEOPLE' of this country, that they are under the WILL of the People and or their elected representatives and that to break this OATH brings the High Crime of TREASON and as such will be prosecuted and punished in the manner required by the 'PEOPLE'. Maximum of which is HANGING.

Last but NOT least, the FULL disclosure of ALL dealings with other parties or governments or countries who have conspired with our elected representatives to bring about a WORLD government, AKA New World Order.

All the other CRIMES, such as War Criminal crimes will be dealt with on an individual basis: Murder of previously serving military personnel, Foreign civilians, activists, scientists, journalists and the many other people will be taken into account along with all the other crimes.

The CALL is out for ALL those who are ABLE to convene a 'Popular Peoples Convention', The agenda is as set out above, primarily. The basis for Common LAW courts has already been convened as has the posse comitatus. Many Judges, Lawyers and 'Queens Council' have made it known that they are willing and able, the vast majority of the POLICE are ready to take up the cause and the military have disclosed their interest and support.

The MOVEMENT has grown over the last few years and it will not be long before more judges will be arrested as was the case in Birkenhead - All it took was 500 good men / women and true, However it was only four or five that executed the arrest. It is with GREAT SADNESS that our COUNTRIES HERO 'LOKI' A freeman on the land has departed this planet, LOKI is the one sat in the Judges seat at Birkenhead. He WILL I am sure be haunting a few well known places and probably a few courts. He will always be with us and we with him.

To those FEW and those who helped in the court and those outside - The country owes you a debt of gratitude for your revealing the corruption and perversion of justice.

That is ALL for now.

Namaste, rev;

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