Friday, 22 June 2012

This is MY shame not yours

For those who have just purchased a blackberry or apple or some other technology just so they can chat innanely with their friends take a GOOD long look at what you money does.

I am NOT interested if you think I am wrong, I am not going to hide my shame and I am no longer going to remain silent.
You may have made your purchase without any malcontent you may have enough money to do it and it IS yours you can do what you like, however there are those who do NOT get the chance to get to your status, age, height, weight some don't even get to live beyond your children's age some will NEVER have a life -EVER.

But let us come to the truth of what we see here, THIS is a DIRECT link to world CORPORATION where nothing is more sacrosanct than MONEY - MONEY will not help this child it never did and even if the planet survives the next trillion years MONEY will still not help children like this.
Keep your MONEY and stick it where the Sun doesn't shine and pucker up.

It IS money that DID this to this child and truth be told this child does not need any more of it.

What this child needs is a stable home where the parents can support their children and feed them from the soil under their feet. AND before you say they should work! FOR WHAT? money? Did you NOT read what I just wrote?
When we allow OTHERS to run the show for us THIS IS THE RESULT - When are you going to get that into your heads and SEE it for what it is.

You are NOT a member of the elite club and you will never be rich you will never be free you will never be healthy and you certainly will NEVER be ME - So why allow others to do what you should be doing in the first place.

Be absolutely CLEAR on this Government = Corporate controlled Government the two are synonymous 

Stand UP to those who call themselves YOUR government and TELL them to get this problem solved NOW of fuck off out of Dodge.

Now here is something you are NOT going to like and I am NOT, NOT going to say it.
This will someday be your children or grandchildren and I MEAN WILL BE not maybe not could but WILL if you continue to let these half baked morons we call our government, military and police continue to HELP US.
What in Gods name are we doing with weapons such as above when we can hardly afford to feed - even just the children of this planet. Why are our governments spending billions of pieces of paper manufacturing cluster bombs, land mines, AK47, tank busters, and why are the power elite building underground bunkers (large underground coffins) while our sick and hungry go without.

I HOPE - I REALLY hope you take offence to this section of my blog, because if you DO you are part of the problem - However if you share my thoughts - take a great big stick and poke it at your government and see if we can get a response.

Change your mind about being passive and start to ask AWKWARD questions, turn your back on politicians, Police and Authority If they join us (count your fingers after shaking their hands, and check your pockets for the contents). Once SCUM always SCUM - collectively start a communal justce department and start prosecuting the authoritarian bottom feeders and put them either on the freedom role or in a large dark cell and

We are MANY they are FEW

To the FEW your TIME IS UP and you will never be able to hide, someone somewhere will recognise you and you


Namaste, rev phil;

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