This has to be asked and it is really a rhetorical question.
We are heading for total tyranny and slavery, YES we have it now and it is going to get worse.
So WHAT do you want?
Things don't seem so bad, we work we earn we eat we drink we go about our business we go on holiday things are 'NORMAL' well at least that is what it looks like.
For those that have awoken to the problems we are facing, they, WE, see what looks normal and know it is only a veneer it is a covering for the mess that is underneath just a mere scratch of the surface and we see what is really going on, most would not dare to scratch the surface what they believe is the surface needs polishing, the politicians would have it carpeted, it doesn't matter what one does to it it needs removing, it needs disposing of.
Would you keep your dead relative in their favourite chair?
Well by all accounts the vast majority of the population would, the body seems ok, yes it is dead but the skin is still in tact, we all know that one day the skin is going to fall off and the mass of decay that is underneath will start to show, it is inevitable.
It is this that we are doing, or at least what the majority are doing.
There is no way they are going to listen.
What would YOU do?
We have to calmly inform them of their loss and quietly remove the body, dispose of it gracefully and help them to recover and continue life without their deceased relative.
Yes, back to the point, what we have seems ok on the surface but it is rotten to the core. By getting rid of it we are going to find we will have to go through a transition and that transition is going to be hard for a period, the outcome will be best for all and for future generations, so YES we are going to head for depression.
I believe that no matter what we do there are going to be HARD times, YET I would rather cut out the ROT and suffer the consequences knowing that better times are on the way. To do nothing means we are heading for hardships YET there is no light to look forward to, WHY? Because we have handed our future over to those we know do not have our interest at heart, the hardships will continue and there will be no end to it. All they want is THEY have it good, DAMN the rest.
So, WHAT do you want?
In my daily living I speak with normal people, regardless as to whether they are awake or not, I speak with good people, honest people I have yet to find a TERRORIST. What makes the people the way people are is by how they are allowed to live, treat them badly and they will push back treat them well and they will just live how they believe they should live. Tyranny is allowing people to live and progress is letting people live.
So WHAT do you want?
We are heading for dark times, and I am an optimist, I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I also see that we may have to get rid of a few bodies, and as SAD as that sounds it is not as bad as the smell will be if we let them remain in the living room.
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