Monday, 7 May 2012

Fukushima - Cesium-137 'Plume-Gate'

Read this before commenting.

It seems to me that we should be doing something about this.
What are the suggestions?
Let's say this is for real - We are looking at the future of our children here. There is NO future while this is hanging over our heads.
A call, 'NOT for heads to roll' should be made at this point, that can (WILL) happen later.
If this is NOT true - All those involved should be rounded up and prosecuted. For this I suggest a list similar to the one we have for corrupt and criminal police (
There is enough info out there to gather this list and it will come in handy after the problem is solved. So there would only be one list depending on the outcome of any investigation.
I suggest WE start the investigation and NOT wait for the authorities to do it.

It may NOT be in our mandate as an none collective broad spectrum freedom movement but is is in our interests to to take control of the investigation and run with it.

This situation, as we see it right now, is of paramount importance and we should heed the call. Our none consent should be taken to the utmost of levels and our distrust for the authorities should be HEIGHTENED - We know the score and if this turns out to be a false flag or a distraction, what they thought would happen has NOT to happen. We can maintain our stance and strengthen it at the same time as helping our fellow residents on this planet.

It is the authorities that got us into this and it is up to us to solve the problem and as a last action bring ALL those in power -REGARDLESS- of who they are to book.

Knowing what we do, and it is LITTLE, because of the media blackout, We have a duty to all life on this planet to DO something.
All those who oppose such an action should be dealt with once the problem is solved.

I do not advocate violence or unrest just assistance and manpower to get this under control. The FEMA camps just might come in handy to place those involved and if we are too late, maybe all those plastic coffins the Americans have will be useful (God forbid).
It is CLEAR to me what has been happening and the facts currently point to my thoughts being correct.

For those journalists out there or those that read this, your wives, children, mothers and fathers are being put at risk and YOU so far have NOT investigated the facts that are as OBVIOUS to me (a normal person). I do NOT call to the governments or the authorities because they are ALL complicit in their silence and are complicit in this catastrophe. What we need now is a call to the world and it can ONLY be done by and with the help of legitimate and professional journalists. There is NO time to take sides in this because if this does happen there are NO sides to be taken.

Government - get into your nuclear shelters - you will be there for more than a quarter of a million years and we all know what 'STIR CRAZY' means.
I will DIE fighting and will not subject myself to self quarantine in a massive underground coffin for a quarter of a million years.
It may sound safe to you (government) but then you lot are not fit to be set loose on the streets and you know it.

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