Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Do Americans know this?

This 'ORDER' alone should have every American in the streets and demanding that the government of the American people resign IMMEDIATELY.

Executive Order 13083, issued May 14, 1998 by President Clinton (E.O. 13083) -
Centralizes all government powers and authority – national, state, and local – in the federal government.
Overrides the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and makes all state and local laws and regulations subservient and inferior to those of the federal government.
Also empowers the federal government to control the social and religious behaviour of the people by stating that federal law shall "define the moral, political, and legal character of their lives."

They do NOT pass laws or make ORDERS that will one day NOT BE USED. This LAW / Order is designed to be ENFORCED. Clinton did it in 1998 - Guys it is ACTUALLY REAL

Here are some others you might like to browse

E.O. 13010 - Seizure of the "Critical Infrastructure." Seizure of computer systems, the Internet, satellite systems and telephone and communications systems, by the federal government. Empowerment of the U.S. Armed Forces to perform the functions of government in event of national emergency.

E.O. 10995 - Seizure of the communications media.

E.O. 10997 - Seizure of all electric power and utility systems, fuels, and minerals.

E.O. 10998 - Seizure of all food supplies and resources and all farms and farm equipment.

E.O. 10999 and E.O. 11005 - Seizure of all means of transportation, including company and personal cars, trucks, trains, airlines, river and ocean vessels, and vehicles and conveyances of any kind, and control over all highways, waterways, and air routes.

E.O. 1100 - Mandatory induction of any and all America workers for government projects or missions, placing the entire U.S. work force under the federal government.

E.O. 1101 - Seizure of all health, education, and welfare facilities and equipment.

E.O. 11002 - Empowers the Postmaster General to register all U.S.A. men, women, and children and to issue a national I.D. card.

E.O. 11004 - Seizure of all housing and finances and the power to direct the relocation of people and resources into designated communities.

E.O. 11051 - Empowers the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with the authority to independently put Executive Orders into effect in event of increased international tension or economic, financial, or military crises.

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