Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Message to Police 'YOU started this THE WAR IS ON'


Here is a snapshot of the current police state in the usa, I would use the capitol letters usa but I believe this is no longer possible.
I believe in the PEOPLE of the usa but I do not believe in the illegitimate government of the usa.

The title of this video on disclosetv is "Message_to_Police_YOU_started_this__THE_WAR_IS_ON" and I believe this is the beginning of something that WILL NOT be stopped.
Now I used to believe that these individuals are not representative of the police (FORCE) in the usa however after seeing these videos over and over again, that is, lots of them, not the same one, I believe this is NORMAL training for the WHOLE of the FORCE. These individuals are NOT alone in these attacks, more often than not they are in a group of hundreds of officers, this then is not one but them ALL.

Being a policeman cannot be an easy task but the FORCE has overstepped the mark time and again and what is about to happen in the usa I will NOT be surprised.

I therefore URGE ALL those officers who are 'TRUE' policemen and women who do not condone these actions to 'STEP DOWN' and identify ALL those who you believe are responsible. The USA require policemen NOT OFFICERS on the FORCE, so after stepping down approach the community for assistance and continue to police as it should be done and disregard any order that comes from the usual source.

IN THE uk, we have a similar problem and I have reported on this before - Take a look at the right, at the picture at the top of this blog and see we have two distinct  police personnel - One is a Constable and the other is an OFFICER the Constable is to be treated with all the respect he or she deserves and I would openly and willingly take direction from the Constable (So long as they confirm they are on their OATH and that I am not being manipulated) As for the OFFICER, I will NEVER take any order from such SCUM am will openly and without FEAR condemn their acts of violence, They CONSTANTLY breach the peace and are NOTHING more than revenue collectors.

Any Constable or OFFICER who has willingly or been ordered to take part in a ketteling or taken part in the dismantling of a peaceful protest AND OR been a part of such where AGENT  PROVOCATEURS have been active, I will turn my back on and ignore regardless of what they are going through. I wash my hands of this type of person and consider them, for all eternity, persona non grata, They are dead to me and I will NEVER ASSIST.

Any police OFFICER reading this, you are the SCUM of the Earth and do not belong on a planet that has oxygen that would support you. The uniform you wear is an INSULT to the HUMAN RACE and when you are IN IT you are too.

The BEST thing about this is that when the FORCE is DONE with you, you will NOT be accepted into NORMAL and peaceful society and if you blag your way in you will be found out and exposed - you belong behind bars - I would rather you be 'OFF' planet but that would mean polluting the cosmos.

I hope you get this correct, I do NOT like you and I am NOT the only one and I am NOT in the MINORITY. Others do not say it but they think it and I have been told by hundreds - almost all I meet that they think the same.

So, in closing, GO FUCK YOURSELF, you and the horse you rode in on and when you get there fuck yourself again.

Namaste, rev;

Monday, 28 May 2012



How can anyone tell when Tony B(LIAR) is lying?
His lips are moving.
The man IS in deed a WAR criminal and should answer in a court the accusation.
IF indeed he IS innocent a court will prove it.
I will be keeping my eye on what happens to this individual who accused BLIAR and HOPE he gets his day in court.

He is Personally responsible for hundreds if not thousands of deaths of CHILDREN and adults alike.
and HE has MY full support.
Namaste, rev;

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Dr Helen Caldicott - Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Never in the HISTORY of the world has such a disaster been perpetrated on the human race.
Those responsible for this 'WILL' be brought to justice and those that have hidden the truth or ignored it will also be brought to justice.
This SUBJECT is well known to those who should know, they have done nothing to stop it. I have reported on this before and will continue to report it.

Just be aware that when I say 'justice' I mean 'JUSTICE' (Capita Maxima) and NOT the justice we have 'AGAINST' us. That sort of justice is going to be removed and those in the field will also be prosecuted for the deception.

The WORLD is turning against ALL those who believe they are in power and they will 'ALL' be prosecuted on this planet, after this they will be prosecuted again by the 'OTHERS'. For this type of offence there is NO escape in death, that is why we on this planet will not be asking for the death sentence on these people, that sentence will be for the others in the next world. (No! not the NEW world Order.)

It is for this reason I ask everyone involved to seize and desist in this war on the population of this planet, if you do the consequences will not be as harsh, in the list of people currently being considered for prosecution are those that support the current world regime and they are councillors, politicians, governments, police, military, and scientists (working to suppress). Those who are working in these fields will know that there is something, not quite right, but will continue to 'DO THEIR JOB', some have no idea and they will not be excluded.

The most EVIL and disturbing of these groups, surprisingly, are in the field of child protection services, never the less ALL this is connected and the dots HAVE been joined.
There IS a war going on and it is the FEW who are perpetrating this, bringing in to the fold those who are greedy enough to be able to 'TURN a BLIND EYE'.

IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO DEFENCE and I was only doing my job / duty will be looked upon in the same way it was during the Nuremberg trials.

The procedures are being put into pace and some have already started. This is just the beginning and there is NO exit door to step out of - YOU WILL BE PROSECUTED.

THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD ARE AFTER YOU - All we require is that the protection forces step down, as the are doing slowly, when this happens we will step in and do what has been overdue for more that 100 years.
This will be done peacefully and LAWFULLY according to the natural laws of this planet. Once achieved the planet will be handed BACK to the people of this planet and peace will be the NORM.

Make ONE mention of TERROR or Al Qaeda or that Muslims are the problem and you will be brought to justice to explain in detail - sources revealed and documents required, if you cannot justify the claim you will be incarcerated awaiting the justice of the 'others'.

This warning comes from the consciousness of the cosmos and is the truth in light.
So scatter beings of the dark the light cometh.

Namaste, rev; (SO BE IT)

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Don't call me

Sorry I am struggling to find words because words fail me
The idea that governments with their record have the interests of the people at heart - Anyone that believes that is basically a lost cause in terms of understanding what is happening in the world and I will just leave them to get on with it and when the knock comes on their door

Monday, 7 May 2012

Fukushima - Cesium-137 'Plume-Gate'

Read this before commenting.

It seems to me that we should be doing something about this.
What are the suggestions?
Let's say this is for real - We are looking at the future of our children here. There is NO future while this is hanging over our heads.
A call, 'NOT for heads to roll' should be made at this point, that can (WILL) happen later.
If this is NOT true - All those involved should be rounded up and prosecuted. For this I suggest a list similar to the one we have for corrupt and criminal police (http://forum.fmotl.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=6251&start=240#p73206).
There is enough info out there to gather this list and it will come in handy after the problem is solved. So there would only be one list depending on the outcome of any investigation.
I suggest WE start the investigation and NOT wait for the authorities to do it.

It may NOT be in our mandate as an none collective broad spectrum freedom movement but is is in our interests to to take control of the investigation and run with it.

This situation, as we see it right now, is of paramount importance and we should heed the call. Our none consent should be taken to the utmost of levels and our distrust for the authorities should be HEIGHTENED - We know the score and if this turns out to be a false flag or a distraction, what they thought would happen has NOT to happen. We can maintain our stance and strengthen it at the same time as helping our fellow residents on this planet.

It is the authorities that got us into this and it is up to us to solve the problem and as a last action bring ALL those in power -REGARDLESS- of who they are to book.

Knowing what we do, and it is LITTLE, because of the media blackout, We have a duty to all life on this planet to DO something.
All those who oppose such an action should be dealt with once the problem is solved.

I do not advocate violence or unrest just assistance and manpower to get this under control. The FEMA camps just might come in handy to place those involved and if we are too late, maybe all those plastic coffins the Americans have will be useful (God forbid).
It is CLEAR to me what has been happening and the facts currently point to my thoughts being correct.

For those journalists out there or those that read this, your wives, children, mothers and fathers are being put at risk and YOU so far have NOT investigated the facts that are as OBVIOUS to me (a normal person). I do NOT call to the governments or the authorities because they are ALL complicit in their silence and are complicit in this catastrophe. What we need now is a call to the world and it can ONLY be done by and with the help of legitimate and professional journalists. There is NO time to take sides in this because if this does happen there are NO sides to be taken.

Government - get into your nuclear shelters - you will be there for more than a quarter of a million years and we all know what 'STIR CRAZY' means.
I will DIE fighting and will not subject myself to self quarantine in a massive underground coffin for a quarter of a million years.
It may sound safe to you (government) but then you lot are not fit to be set loose on the streets and you know it.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Hanging by a thread

Please read the link article before continuing to read my response


This article is the most disturbing thing I have read in the whole of my life. We have lived under the threat of nuclear annihilation in the 60's and 70's and have lived through the incompetence of the government through the 80's and 90's and now as we are, in the naughties we again are at the mercy of the incompetence of the what we call the scientists who many years ago expounded the virtues and vouched for the safety of the nuclear power stations.

All the while these bastards knew what we were letting ourselves in for. I will not accept that there were a few who did not know or innocently thought they were producing safe power they ALL without exception are responsible and as such should be made to 'ACTUALLY' go to fuckishama -yes I know, and start digging a barrier to make this safe so a better method can be found to remove all the offending rods.

ALL their wealth should be taken away from them and they should never be allowed to experiment ever again, not even mix one chemical with another or do anything other than FIX this problem.
I am so angry at this scenario, I cannot contain myself.

By the way if one types fuckishama in a word document and spell checks it the nearest recognised equivalent comes up as 'Buckingham' How is that for coincidence?

I am eternally grateful for this senator for bringing this to our attention and only wonder WHAT the FUCK are the news agencies up to.

The people responsible for bringing this about and make no mistake this is a false flag operation, of that I have no doubt. Even if it was just the positioning of these reactors or the location / funding /etc. These people should be kept alive and made to suffer. Under normal circumstances I am a peaceful man but this is beyond evil it is an abomination to all that has ever lived under this cosmos. These people are not a member of anything that resembles life anywhere in this cosmos they are not even fit to be called excrement or mentioned in the same sentence on the same planet or in the same cosmos.

I make this plea and I mean plea, that God take this simple form of life and extinguish it without trace or memory go straight to oblivion and do not pass HELL. I know we are here to experience life but this is not anything that can be construed as experience this is PURE unadulterated (there is NO word for them, they are none entities).

Disgusted and unamused, rev;

Do Americans know this?

This 'ORDER' alone should have every American in the streets and demanding that the government of the American people resign IMMEDIATELY.

Executive Order 13083, issued May 14, 1998 by President Clinton (E.O. 13083) -
Centralizes all government powers and authority – national, state, and local – in the federal government.
Overrides the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and makes all state and local laws and regulations subservient and inferior to those of the federal government.
Also empowers the federal government to control the social and religious behaviour of the people by stating that federal law shall "define the moral, political, and legal character of their lives."

They do NOT pass laws or make ORDERS that will one day NOT BE USED. This LAW / Order is designed to be ENFORCED. Clinton did it in 1998 - Guys it is ACTUALLY REAL

Here are some others you might like to browse

E.O. 13010 - Seizure of the "Critical Infrastructure." Seizure of computer systems, the Internet, satellite systems and telephone and communications systems, by the federal government. Empowerment of the U.S. Armed Forces to perform the functions of government in event of national emergency.

E.O. 10995 - Seizure of the communications media.

E.O. 10997 - Seizure of all electric power and utility systems, fuels, and minerals.

E.O. 10998 - Seizure of all food supplies and resources and all farms and farm equipment.

E.O. 10999 and E.O. 11005 - Seizure of all means of transportation, including company and personal cars, trucks, trains, airlines, river and ocean vessels, and vehicles and conveyances of any kind, and control over all highways, waterways, and air routes.

E.O. 1100 - Mandatory induction of any and all America workers for government projects or missions, placing the entire U.S. work force under the federal government.

E.O. 1101 - Seizure of all health, education, and welfare facilities and equipment.

E.O. 11002 - Empowers the Postmaster General to register all U.S.A. men, women, and children and to issue a national I.D. card.

E.O. 11004 - Seizure of all housing and finances and the power to direct the relocation of people and resources into designated communities.

E.O. 11051 - Empowers the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with the authority to independently put Executive Orders into effect in event of increased international tension or economic, financial, or military crises.

The Dalai Lama summary

The Dalai Lama summaries the situation saying, “We have degenerated into an insane society, unconsciously committing mass suicide by ecocide. Unrestrained corporate capitalism coercively and insidiously exploits vulnerable people and myopically plunders, depletes and corrupts finite planetary resources that sustain life. Billions of people suffer needless poverty, starvation and avoidable disease, while obscenely privileged corporate, political and religious plutocrats greedily acquire power and excessive material wealth far beyond their conceivable needs.”