Friday, 3 May 2013

DWP unit STOLE Seligman’s test

Permission for this is in the original text.

Original blog and acknowledgements  skwalker1964 2013/05/02/ breaking dwp unit used seligmans test without permission/ 

This THEFT is NOT unintentional as the department WAS told NOT to use the test. However the reason was aparently because the test was FLAWED, why? because those who stole it do NOT know how to conduct the test correctly. This TEST and the DWP are and always have been about - revenue collection - a TAX on the poorest of society to put more money into the pockets of those who 'Actually Produce NOTHING'.
On a bit of a SIDLE NOTE- The privatisation of the NHS.
The NHS is NOT bankrupt it is functioning WELL and NOT making a profit. AS IT WAS DESIGNED.
The problem IS we have a government that is costing us FAR more than we can afford, and should be dismantled / reorganised.
The NHS run an EXCELLENT service and I for one PAY MY TAXES for it to run, REGARDLESS OF THE COST. However I DO NOT pay my TAXES for the government to sit on its arse producing NOTHING, They DO NOT even produce the legislative ACTS, THEY are done in Brussels, DON'T try to convince me otherwise I aint fucking interested.

The Government of Britain is worse than useless and are committing TREASON AS WE SPEAK.

The GALLOWS should be being errected very SOON, but NOT soon enough.

We the people have spoken and have been ignored because the one who we speak against THINK they are in POWER, WELL THEY ARE NOT.

Oh! That turned into a rant, please read the original blog from skywalker below. Thanks guys and get the message out - WORLD WIDE

Breaking: DWP unit STOLE Seligman’s test 02/05/2013 · by skwalker1964

This will be brief, as I’m just making a quick stop on the motorway. The saga of the fake psychometric ‘test’, which the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has been forcing jobseekers to take under threat of losing their benefits, has just taken a very interesting turn.

Apparently, the US creators of the original test of 150 or so questions, from which the 48 questions for the DWP’s bogus test were taken, have read my blog and the Guardian article that spun off from it, and are going ballistic.

Because the DWP’s ‘nudge unit’ that devised the test as a means of cynically manipulating jobseekers, did not bother to get permission to use the questions in their ‘randomised control trial’ of its effects on hapless jobseekers.

They stole it. And the owners are livid about that, and about how they’ve used the ‘test’ without any of the usual ethical safeguards.

Complaints are being made from the US to the British Psychological Society (BPS) – and others on this side of the Atlantic will be making some too. Including me – and you, if you like.

I wrote the other day about how the test itself is probably illegal in a variety of ways. But that’s not the limit of the government’s criminality. They indulge in a bit of theft, plagiarism and copyright-breaking too.

Please spread the word so the government, especially the DWP, is as shamed and exposed as it deserves to be.

Update: apparently the extent of the government’s nefarious behaviour goes even further. This from the ‘Bad Science‘ discussion forum, by a user called ‘sTeamTraen’:

Update on this: a friend of mine has contacted the people in the US who run the “real” version of this psychometric. Apparently the person behind this bollocksed-up short version ran it past them a few months ago and was told not to do it. So s/he then went ahead anyway. The US people have asked for it to be taken down, as it’s scientifically invalid and getting them a bad name.

So not only is the DWP using the questions without permission (or presumably payment, even though the ‘nudge unit’ is charging hefty fees to the taxpayer for its ‘work’), but it’s deliberately ignoring an express instruction by the test’s owner not to do so.

Is there a limit to how far this lot will go and how low they’ll sink?

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

 If you MUST go and have a read at this blog. But I warn you it is LONG, even by my standards.

Ethan smith the terraist letters

Well I am going to have a good second read of all this but one thing is sure. Here the writer is mostly talking about a subject which is dear to my heart. Survival, not of our own making but that of an intervention, THIS is not so close to my heart.

Think about it, we have seen the documentaries where the film maker is in the jungle or on the Serengeti plains, they stand and watch an animal, say an elephant, die. They say it would be cruel to intervene and only have to power to watch and learn, you get the drift.

I for one think this is absolute bullshit, of course they can intervene and of course they can help, WHAT law makes it right to leave a suffering animal to fend for itself when those that are present have the necessary gumption and maybe equipment to help that suffering.

BUT we are led to believe we can, legally, stand by and watch what is thought to be inevitable.
Well I can tell you this, no such law exists and if it did it would be from a civilisation that is empathy, sympathy and morally bankrupt.

So when people talk about aliens or our space brothers out there ONLY able to watch and DO nothing LEGALLY, I say what a CROCK of SHIT. If all they can do is watch the inevitable and are so fucking stupid that they believe all they can do is NOTHING, then just FUCK the FUCK OFF you are about as useful as a chocolate ashtray.

It says VOLUMES about the writer of such UTTER SHITE.

It is WHY when 'WE the REAL people' of this planet sit watching the suffering of these animals, cry. We know in our hearts that we would NEVER stand back and let it happen without at least trying to help. Those that are weak and incapable of individual thought are the ones who go out to these places and say, 'WELL it's nature and I have to stand back and let it happen.'


If THAT was the case, WHY are they; that is, anybody. fucking interfering in the financial and commercial businesses why do they; again anybody. struggle to keep them alive but an ANIMAL, DIE? Why are they sending billions to Africa to keep the people alive? BUT an animal? IN a jungle? or in the dessert?

Lets get ONE thing CLEAR here folks, there are other civilisations on other planets they might be in our air space and they might be watching but they are definitely NOT coming to put things right for us, they would not dare to do so, we would eat them for breakfast, we are a WARRING militarised and dangerous race, we might get whooped in the long run but for an intelligent alien race IS IT worth the loss. NO!

They aren't out there studying the legalities - they are out there in full knowledge that there are a FEW who control the LOT and they are untouchable - FOR NOW - Because they have the weapons the numbers the military and the technology, THAT is ALL that is protecting them.

So forget this shit about we have to get rid of nuclear or stop polluting or the sun is going to fucking explode, disarm the Americans or wipe the planet of brown people, the British should wear nappies, it is ALL BULLSHIT. What it is REALLY is the NEXT PHASE of the solution and you are ALL fucking FALLING for it.

FFS! what does one have to do to get it through to you people. When it happens it's TOO FUCKING LATE. when they are gassing you - ALL you can do is hold your breath for a minute and then you will have to breath it in. YOU HAVE TO do something NOW in order for it to be of any consequence.

FUCK the 'as long as it is NONE violent', or 'as long as it is peaceful' or 'as long as it is green', Follow your heart and LOVE will follow. Maybe SHOW them up there that it is safe to come down, but if they join the authorities or start telling me what to do ... I will cut their fucking knees off myself.

Namaste, rev phil;