Wednesday, 5 September 2012

A worthy cause

The Bexley Petiton & The Right to Recall

(Guest post by Olly Cromwell).

Get over to Capt'n Ranties and read his guest post for this week and please do sign the petition.

We have a trooper needing assistance and we cannot let a good opportunity go to waste.

Namaste, rev phil;

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Why Desmond had no choice but to spurn Tony Blair

On the off chance that Desmond ever reads this blog, and that is little to none but one never knows. However I am going to do something that Desmond should have done in the Johannesburg summit a few days ago. I AM going to say something.

But before I do I wish to make it clear that Tony B(Liar) is a TOE RAG and a despicable excuse for a human being. For those who disagree, you are welcome to share in the misery and carnage his decisions to invade Iraq arrive with. Anyone who supports such murderous actions - killing of women and Children and men of all ages. Call it - collateral damage if you wish but it is still murder no matter what you are told. Reject it now and save having to answer for it after you meet the ones who were killed in YOUR name and with YOUR finances and with YOUR BLESSINGS. I, will have none of it, it would have been a different matter if they had invaded our country but that was never on the cards and that toe rag Bliar knows it.

So Desmond here is what I think all are welcome to read, all that is with the exception of the PTB and the so called authorities, in reality it is YOU that is the problem in this country and not the popularly coined 'unwashed' it is those unwashed that keep you in the positions you have gained - We the people or as you know them 'useless eaters' PAY for your 'EVERYTHING' so go ahead and cut us off, it is after all your own nose.

Desmond you are a bit of a dichotomy to me, I used to drive past your place quite often, Bishops Court - Cape Town. You take or took in the homeless and let people stay in the grounds of your home, however despite having some unusual ideas about the solution to the current situation I reserve the right to believe you are doing some good.
I have never been able to place you directly in one camp or the other and some of the things you have said has been for and against. You were an important figure in the post apartheid truth and reconciliation hearings and have always appeared to be on the side of the people.
From what I have read in the guardian / Observer article (
Sunday 2 September 2012) Desmond you infer / state it was your intention to go to the Johannesburg summit but your conscience would not allow it and felt it was not appropriate to go and say anything. I would have to disagree with this stance Desmond it is your duty as a human being and with your unique knowledge, you should have gone and said exactly what we ourselves would wish to say.
If one is for the people one has to say what the people do not get the chance to say in such meetings, such a message coming from you Desmond would send a deep and hammering blow to someone who since leaving the office of Prime Minister of the UK who decided to become a catholic.
This is an opportunity that will not present itself again and is a wasted opportunity.
Desmond - Do not do what YOU believe will upset the leaders do what is right by all manner of people: Holding your tongue does nothing for humanity and the dead Iraqis nor will it do anything for those about to die and have died in Syria and it certainly has done nothing for an entire population such as Palestine.
We do not need nor want silent leaders we require noisy cogs squeaky wheels and spanners in the works.

I do hope you do get to read this Desmond and I do hope that like hundreds of thousands of people like myself, given the opportunity, we would make it known that such leadership as Tony Bliar offered is offensive and should be heard in the Hague. Tony Blair IS a WAR CRIMINAL, but in the interest of fairness he should first stand trial in front of the people and answer to this crime, in the mean time and because he is protected by many in authority we should shout from the rooftops that we believe he IS a WAR CRIMINAL.

We need the current spiritual
leaders and the current government representatives to be courageous, saving face now will only make things worse and perpetuate the deaths that are to come. Blood is to be spilled in the next conflict and those that do not stand up and say something now will share in having that blood on their hands - It never washes off and will always smell and one can never adequately state retrospectively that they never agreed with the conflict, if one says nothing now it is acquiescent (Consent) regardless of ones actions after the fact AND allow the next conflict and the next and the next because YOU did not make a stand to stop them.
We the people are NOT powerless but we are giving you in authority time to put things right, if you fail in this you in authority will have to answer to we the people and to all those that come after us, it is our intention to make it known to future peoples of this planet just who it was who created this 'democracy' and who the real criminals were - Hitler will, after your names are known, seem like an inferior tinpot dictator but those who will be named will be denigrated for all eternity. However before this happens there will be trials and inquisitions, those who show no remorse should be executed and this suggestion is more prolific 'On the Ground' than you believe - personally I do not agree but I will not oppose such executions because your acts have been and are so heinous and despicable to me and millions of fellow sovereign sentients. You have been told.

Namaste rev phil;