Monday, 2 April 2012

Read away snoopers

Well I hope that this is what you want to hear so here I go.
Boring it certainly won’t be and erudite it will, for those police ‘OFFICERS’ erudite is ‘insightful’ ‘educated’ ‘informed’.

My education is something you will not understand because you have not got the facility to cut the cloth.

Here are your ‘ORDERS’ I will say this only once so listen up.

Our government has instructed GCHQ to listen to all our phone calls and log all our emails, tweets and blogposts.

Here is my penny worth, GCHQ are not excluded from this because the person listening in or reading is reading YOUR posts blogs and emails as well as you telephone calls. If they are NOT and you have managed to get round it you are breaking the very ‘LAW’ you are imposing. Just imagine what information your compatriots are finding out about your wife, son or daughter. They are not immune because they are not only using your phone lines or internet they could use just about any that are available.

Your insidious prying is taking your authority as parents and lovers to the extreme and it WILL cause great suffering to your intellect and reason. WHAT do they know about your wife and the neighbours what are they getting up to while you are infiltrating their private and intimate moments.
Will they be immune to the OTHER police OFFICERS and agents that you so dearly and willingly support, would you stand by your wife or your comrade at work if they found something that compromised your private life?

Never thought of that did you, IDIOT.

Well maybe IDIOT is a little harsh, but an intellectual would have thought of this before they started to pry. Are you protected? If you are you are not one of us, that is, one of the Human race. You are a breed apart; the type that started in the all too famous Monty Python ‘Upper class TWIT of the Year competition’. YES! This is how they upper class has been seen for generation after generation, albeit they are in high places they are numb sculls, joining them does not weaken the species it strengthens it with more up and coming TITS. All that is required is the ‘W’ and your IN.

The ROT has been around for centuries, it has been waiting for those who are not capable of entering the real society, waiting for those who believe they are morally superior. Well look around your newly acquired ‘CLUB’ you don’t have to look very far the ‘YOU TUBE’ videos show who is really the problem and it isn’t the people of this land it is those that believe they know how to run a society. Look and see what we are plummeting towards, yes! It has come to the point where you have to sit in front of computer screens, sift through data and program systems to listen for ‘KEY words’. You believe that the terrorists are real and that criminals are DUMB well by my reckoning they are streets ahead of you.

We are on the brink of discovering one of the biggest paedophile rings and you are sat there protecting them by NOT doing the JOB you were trained to do. So IDIOT may not be far from the mark.

I am but an humble inhabitant of this planet, granted I am educated; a far better education than you could ever have been given, however I know that the magicians trick is to deceive the audience with a distraction and here is your distraction.
‘Watch, read and listen in to the PEOPLE and do not listen in to us. You see they have the finger on the button. It is now when the proverbial is hitting the fan they wish for you to be busy doing other things, irrelevant things like listening out for TERRORIST, domestic terrorists at that while they plot and scheme away with impunity.
If you learn nothing from this, listen now and listen hard. YOU will be their first target if you hear anything that implicates them, the list of assassinations are large and the list will continue, were it not for people like me and my fellow protesters much of what the public know about what the 'Powers That Be' are up to would not be known and you would not have to do what you are doing.

IT IS THE VERY PEOPLE YOU WORK FOR THAT NEED TO BE WATCHED CAREFULLY NOT ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ Am I a TERRORIST, NO! I am a patriot and I am proud to be able to one day tell my grandchildren that I opposed all these draconian laws – WHAT will you have to say to yours. Because, as history ALWAYS does and as TRUTH always does it comes out, by that time your reason for doing what you are doing will be a criminal offence and you WILL be serving time.

It is time my friends to WAKE UP and smell the SHIT you are propagating, we can smell it why can’t you.

Sunday, 1 April 2012


For those who are not too sure about who and what criminals are here is a 'HEADS UP'

A criminal is one who does things, mostly, in secret and the professional criminals hide their faces at all times.

This is of course not to be confused with protesters who hide their faces, the reason for these intrepid 'BRAVE' souls is to stop the real criminals from identifying them and bringing the 'UN' LAW down on them.

No The real criminals are to be seen in BLACK uniforms and with HOODED 'balaclava' type masks.

I would at this point paste a few PICS of the offending criminals, but as you all know the ordinary living soul such as myself are restricted from such. These laws are of course NOT the LAWS of the UK or England nor the British laws but those that are 'illegally / unlawfully' passed into statute by our 'so called' government but from Europe.

I have this message for those who hide behind the masks of 'TERROR' those cowardly enough to HIDE their face. The time is coming when the people of this country WILL prosecute your treasonous actions and that the PHRASE so often used in times of WAR such as 'I was only following orders' will not be accepted as a defence.

I am NOT afraid of what you, the so called 'police' can do to me nor am I worried that you may come after my family or friends. I am NOT afraid of you or the death you believe is the end of things. I am beyond ALL of this I FEAR nothing you can do to me because I 'KNOW' what awaits those that oppress truth and take part in EVIL regardless as to whether they know they are doing it or not. POLICE, you have had the 'HEADS UP' for over 10 years now and continue in your oppressive actions.

DRESS IN BLACK and you attract the DARK forces into your lives and as such repress and reject light. Some officers believe they are Christians, however I do not agree. Any officer who dresses is such a way is ABSOLUTELY aware of what they are doing and are advertising what they believe. The method of hiding ones face confirms what I say here. There is NO hiding your face from the creator. Just to put a finer point on what I state, the Armed forces use camouflage to prevent discovery and as such is legitimate they have a REAL enemy, albeit a government created and invented enemy (those involved in this will get their comeuppance, when the day of judgement arrives) However the police have no such reason other than to instil FEAR.
What I can say with utmost confidence, that the BLACK rubs off on to the individual and is not removable when the overall is taken off. An awakening is happening and we will see that BLACK streak even when you try to hide behind civilian clothing.

We, at the moment, are not getting the REAL news but that is coming shortly, and as such are not aware fully of the activities of the police, we get snippets from alternative sources and they are VAST in number so you cannot hide even behind your masks.

To the POLICE I say this, REJECT your MASTERS orders and obey your paymasters 'WE THE PEOPLE' we are in far greater numbers and it is 'WE THE PEOPLE' who will overcome, it is happening right now and like I say this will be reported in the NEWS that is to come. STAND with US and bring the REAL culprits to account and your future will be a happy one. STAND against 'WE THE PEOPLE' and the future is not so bright, ALL corruption is going to be brought down and it will bring you down with it. Remember WHO they are and WHAT they have done so far, being a part of this and being inside with them is not going to be nice, these are evil people and care NOT ONE JOT for you, you are a pawn and nothing else. REJECT THEM NOW and all is forgiven.

For the constables out there, I admire your thoughtfulness and the commitment to your OATH of office, YOU have my support and that of the community, however if you believe you are an OFFICER I mourn for your loss of decency and hope you see the light before it is too late. Time is not on your side so please stand with 'WE THE PEOPLE' before those you serve turn against you and place the burden directly on your heads.

IT WILL HAPPEN and it WILL HAPPEN SOON, sooner than you think.

My prayers are with you, but the choice is NOW yours and yours alone.

Namaste rev;