I see the member’land’ of this blog has grown, I am appreciative of your faith in my writings.
Thanks for your support. .
What I am going to be saying today, I am sure many will be well aware, however for those dipping their toes this is a stern message and should not be ignored. .
Looking down the RABBIT hole is harmful to all you believe you know. .
To wander around this life is bliss, being blissfully unaware of what is being done in your name has its benefits however as we all know, or should know by now that the world around us is awakening to a new paradigm / conciseness; If you don’t, - STOP! This message may not be for you, you may be happy to continue as things have / are and not have you day spoiled by some old fart telling you that the thin veneer of cream is covering a crock of crap. I am sure you will be aware that sooner or later the cream will go sour and the game, as it were, will be up. .
Just be aware, however, that when the above happens it IS too late for you, burying your heads in sand this long will not have served any purpose and running for support of those that are and have been for some time, awakened will not be an option – we will be gone. In short you will be on your own and you will have to fight it out amongst yourselves. .
If you have to ask, where are the ‘WE’ going, you have not been taking notice and it would take too long to bring you up to speed. The short answer is of course WE will have progressed to the point where WE will be busy underground preparing for the rejuvenation of our nations. Underground because TPTB will have by this time imprisoned / assassinated a great deal of the known freedom brothers and sisters. This is happening as we speak and my heartfelt thanks go to those who have and are working on the front line. .
HISTORY knows who they and YOU are and much will be made in an effort never to ignore such people ever again. .
So, back to this posts true agenda, looking down the RABBIT hole. .
For those who are just starting and for those who wish to take a peek – get your knob out turn on the vacuum cleaner and see how close you can get to the nozzle without it grabbing your bell end and sucking or attempting to suck the whole shaft in. Sorry girls I cannot give you a similar analogy, maybe you could enlighten me. .
This is what will happen when you find the RABBIT hole; get too close and it will suck you in. There are no exits that will ‘wipe’ what you have found and initially there are no real answers to your question, each answer you require comes at a cost to yourself and your sanity. I am deadly serious. .
Your life will change irrevocably, not too much to start with however, and usually, your quest to know more takes you deeper into the hole. .
There are TRAPS down there so be wary, have with you a good guide at al times until you become familiar with the terrain. Such traps are PRISON, MADNESS, CONFUSSION, SUICIDE and a few other negatives. Many have seen too much too soon and committed suicide some have gone stark raving barmy and others just wish they never peeked in. For those that are left, YES we have been through these traps but have done it with others and helped each other through the worst of them, for me suicide is not an option however I can understand that some cannot handle the truth. .
SO! And the reason for this post, forewarned is forearmed. .
Above all remember you are going to meet people down there who you thought were the good guys and they will offer you everything you could wish for, these are not the Genii, the good guys do not dwell in these places. You will meet celebrities and (supposed) activists. AND. There ARE signposts so learn to read them, some tell you to go there but lead somewhere else and some show you the way to go and it does actually lead there. I did mention there are no ‘WAY OUTS’ however there are ‘KICK OUTS’ and these are usually preceded by some propaganda. ‘Get out and tell the people what you have learned’, type of messages. .
There are some who go down and stay there, no one really knows what becomes of them however we do occasionally get messages from them and we pass them back to the surface, I refer to those that are so deep they can never get out until the hole is demolished, the ones not far behind convey what is seen and heard and those nearer to the surface are the ones that communicate with the surface dwellers. Needless to say that those deep inside are not that aware as to whether there message is getting through however we have managed so far. .
The problem IS that those surface dwellers are so ignorant they do not understand the sacrifice that is being made for them to live a little more comfortable – so the next time you hear some news from an informed source do not dismiss it out of hand, INSTEAD do a little digging and help bring light to the truth of it – IT WILL ultimately bring light to the depths and release that intrepid source to move on and dig some more, it will also bring out and destroy that which is being illuminated, if you get my drift. .
If after you read this you still wish to pop your ‘head’ in, TRY to get in touch with someone who has been in and can tell you the best routes to take. .
You know it makes sense. .
There is a good saying in diving ‘Dive alone – Die alone’ quite APT for this subject I would say. .
I know of A. N Other who is about to delve deeper than I am at, at the moment and it is a part that is going to take him to levels I would not even consider right now so I wish those of you who are joining in will understand these guys in there need support from as many people as they can get. The sooner we do this the sooner this whole thing will end. .
Oh! One last thought, IF you consider yourself SAFE because you are in the government or the armed forces or police, council and these other none essential ‘NONE contributors’ IE your job produces nothing of practical value. THINK AGAIN, look back and think again keep looking because when the time comes the PTB will no longer require your services and the way out is through the bodies you have left in your wake – of tyrannical RULE application. .
You will be welcomed amongst us, so long as the smell can be washed off quickly. Beware it does get ingrained and sometimes never comes off – in that case your ticket to HELL is bought and paid for – BYE BYE. .
Namaste, rev;
A dystopia is the idea of a society in a repressive and controlled state; police state, with unlimited power over the citizens, often under the guise of being utopian, read - Brave New World, Nineteen Eighty-Four. Feature different kinds of repressive social control systems, various forms of active and passive coercion.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
One grain = Ten thousand grains
For every seed the Earth receives, it returns thousands
Nature operates according the principles of "one grain, ten thousand grains"
For every seed, the Earth receives, it returns thousands.
Nature is forever productive, and infinitely diverse. In the practice of genetic engineering, ten thousand seeds are sacrificed for every one that comes to market, or "from ten-thousand grains, come one grain."
Originally, the heirloom seeds that sustained humanity over the centuries cost nothing; they were given freely by nature.
Each genetically engineered seed cost $ 300 million to bring to market.
We now face a choice between two opposite views of life, one natural, the other artificial.
The earth and happiness of all species, could well depend upon which of these two path we choose.
(Source: 10.000 grains, one grain Genetically Modified (GM) Rice in the Sacramento Valley by E- Esko.)
Monday, 5 March 2012
A personal statement from Anne Greig As you will all be aware by now we lost our appeal and we are back into the Court of Protection which is going to be very stressful for both Hollie and myself. Whilst set back in this latest legal skirmish we have not lost the battle and with everyone’s help and support this battle will be won not just for Hollie but all vulnerable adults and children. We were concerned that even though Hollie is a 32-year-old woman she was listed in the court as a child.! YES you read that right, Hollie's case was listed in the court as a child. How's that for Human Rights when they cant even differentiate a child from an adult. It so insulted Hollie that the court clerk read that out in front of the whole court. She felt that the court system was attempting to degrade her. What many do not realize is that those with Down syndrome know they have downs syndrome. Hollie doesn’t like being different from you and me. When she was about twelve we went through the questions of "why was I born with downs syndrome?" I am afraid all I could tell her was that God chose her because she was special. She still is special and exceptionally brave. I am proud of my daughter for having the courage and the strength she does. Hollie was terrorised in the courtroom yesterday as one of her abusers sat immediately behind her, we can only assume to intimidate her, she is made to jump through hoops by the council, and all she sees is that her champion Robert Green has been put in jail when it should be her abusers, and this breaks her heart. Having to watch and live with what Shropshire Council are doing to her breaks my heart. All Hollie wanted was for the people who hurt her to be punished for all the horrible things they put her through as a little girl. Yet what we see today is Hollie being the one punished through the courts, for what? For campaigning to get justice? I ask what about her rights as a victim, what about the Victims Charter that she was denied and never given those rights? When a police force like Grampian refused to get an expert who does sign language with Hollie to compensate for her hearing difficulties, we can see that Hollie was never afforded any of the most basic of rights. What we have seen to date is that the Justice system is there to protect the Perpetrator not the victim, and bit by bit Hollie is having her dignity striped by the very authorities that are supposed to protect her. The campaign will continue to fight for Hollie and obtain the justice she deserves. AnneHollie and Anne have our support. Not only do I find this whole scenario outrageous I am further confused by the official line as to Hollies age.
... even though Hollie is a 32-year-old woman she was listed in the court as a child.! YES you read that right, Hollie's case was listed in the court as a child. ...Having met Hollie in Birkenhead I can assure al of you that read this Hollie is and looks like a young 'WOMAN' not and I repeat NOT a GIRL, those who are Downs Syndrome affected have rights too, and deserve the respect of their respective ages. The Dept of Child Services have no LAWFUL authority over Hollie and Hollie has made this clear. However a juvenile and corrupt judge does not think so. If he does let him come for me and I will show him just what respect is. Despicable and downright corrupt. Namaste, rev;
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